Alpine aistra (Aster alpinus); aster alpine
Bagatorichna herbaceous roslina of the homeland of aistrovihs (folded flowers). Stem short-haired, 5-20 cm whorls. Leaves whole, black: prikorenev at the base – ringing in the petiole; stalks – changed, sessile. One cat, rarely two, 3.5-5 cm in diameter. Krayovі kvіtki yazychkovі, vіoletovі, sredinnі-tubchasti, zhovtі. Plіd — Sim’yanka with a forelock of hairs. Flowers in linden – sickle.
Width. Rіdkіsna roslina with rozirvanim area (brought to the Chervonoy book of Ukraine). Trapplyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє only at the high mountains of the Carpathians at a few points on dry vapnyakovy skele.
Sirovina. Vikoristovuyut sucrose and grass.
Roslina is unofficial.
Chemical warehouse. The mustache of the growth is to revenge the saponini. Krym tsyogo, coumarins were found in the rhizomes, and flavonoids were found in the herb. Vikoristannya. In Tibetan medicine, herbs are recommended for scrofula, eczema, tubercular lymphadenitis, coughs and aches in the bones, and the herb is recommended as a pharyngeal disease, as well as for mucosal-intestinal diseases and children’s ailments.