
Pharmacy name: buckwheat herb – Fagopyri herba (formerly: Herba Fagopyri).

Botanical description.This is an annual erect plant from 15 to 60 cm in height. On the stem, which is green at first, but soon turns red, heart-shaped leaves are placed on short petioles, equal in length to width or slightly longer. From the axils of the leaves protrude ball-shaped inflorescences with many red (sometimes white) flowers. Fruits with sharp edges, brown when ripe. Blooms from June to September. The birthplace of buckwheat is Central Asia. From here it spread in the Middle Ages throughout Europe, where it is cultivated on poor sandy soils. From culture, she strives to “escape” and is not often found feral. The parts of the plant used in medicine – grass with leaves and flowers – are taken from cultivated plants. Seeds contain many vitamins, minerals and valuable vegetable protein; serve as a substitute for cereals. The grass is harvested in bloom and dried in the air. Seeds are obtained by threshing mature plants.

active ingredients. The herb contains rutin (from 1 to 896) and other flavonoids, tannins, phagopyrin. The seeds contain many minerals, primarily calcium; they are rich in B vitamins, as well as fats and valuable proteins.

Healing action and application. Until recently, buckwheat was used as a medicinal plant only in England. Now it is also used in German-speaking states; due to the high content of rutin, it is used to preserve the functional abilities of the vascular system. Buckwheat has a beneficial effect on circulatory disorders, venous weakness, vasospasm and edema, as well as increased permeability and capillary fragility. Buckwheat is also used to treat and prevent atherosclerosis. Research prof. X. Shilcher confirmed its effectiveness. Although no immediate effect can be expected from medicinal tea, nevertheless, with every day taking 2-3 cups, after 2-3 weeks, a clearly tangible improvement begins.

  • Buckwheat tea: 2 teaspoons of buckwheat grass are poured into 2 boiling water, boiled for about 1 minute, then removed from the stove and left to infuse under the lid for another 10-15 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups every day for 4-8 weeks.

The use in traditional medicine is less known. It (in the form of porridge), as a rule, is included in a strengthening diet for the elderly and sick people who have had a serious illness. In some places, buckwheat tea is drunk at dinner. It is believed that it promotes sound sleep, although there is no scientific justification for this. Side effects, even with long-term use in the indicated dosages, are not to be feared.

Note. Fagopyrin increases susceptibility to light.