Adonis spring – spring goritsvіt (growing and cultivation)

Name: Adonis spring – spring flowers (growing and cultivation)

Adonis spring (goritsvit spring) Adonis vernalis.



Synonyms: spring adonis, spring yellow flower, hairy, hairy grass, yellow-thousand (Ukrainian swimmer, starodubka, chornogirka).


Description . A perennial wild plant from the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), 4050 cm high. The rhizome is thick, short, black-brown in color. The stem is simple, slightly branched, densely leafy above, and almost leafless below. The leaves are alternate, sessile, bidigitally dissected, with longish narrow lobules. The flowers are yellow, large 56 cm in diameter, solitary, located at the ends of the peduncles. Flower petals are oblong, spirally arranged in several whorls. The fruit is modular, consisting of many small oval wrinkled achenes. Blooms in April May. The weight of 1000 seeds is 712 g. The whole plant is poisonous.


Medicinal raw material: herb.


biological features. Adonis seeds germinate very slowly on the 2530th day. Flowering begins when the height of the stems reaches 515 cm.


Habitat. It grows on low-lying meadow and chernozem soils, in forb steppes and among shrubs. Raw materials are harvested in natural conditions.


Spreading. Spring Adonis is found in Central and South-Eastern Europe. In the USSR, it grows in the Caucasus, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Ukrainian SSR, the Bashkir ASSR, the Volga region and the Virgin Territory.


Currently, it is recommended to cultivate adonis in the Crimean, Novosibirsk, Kirov, Voronezh regions and in the Krasnodar Territory.


Composition of active substances . The main active ingredients are: adonitoxin, cymarin, saponins, adomidozide, adonidolic acid, etc.


Application. In medicine, adonis herb is used mainly as a means of regulating and stimulating cardiac activity.


According to the nature of the action, Adonis products are similar to digitalis glycosides, but they are less stable and the danger of their accumulation in the body is practically excluded. Unlike foxglove, adonis products have a more powerful calming effect on the nervous system, promote the release of urine; increase systolic tension of the heart, increase diastole; have less effect on heart rate and intracardiac conduction (Cherkes, Melnikova, 1961).


Adonis herb preparations are used for chronic insufficiency of the cardiovascular system with tachycardia, shortness of breath, edema, ascites (dropsy). They are also used as a means of calming the central nervous system, together with bromides, codeine for heart neurosis, excitation of the central nervous system, alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy (Bekhterev’s mixture). An infusion of adonis herb (6.0180.0) is consumed three to five times every day in a tablespoon (for babies, the dose is reduced to a teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on age). Adonizide, a neogalenic product derived from adonis, is prescribed 1520 drops orally three times every day or administered intravenously at 0.51 ml for heart failure and neuroses. It is also an integral part of cardiovalen. However, it must be remembered


Agricultural technology of cultivation . Site selection. Under spring adonis, it is necessary to allocate lowland, highly fertile, structural soils with a neutral reaction. Adonis is most productive in the sixth or seventh year of culture.


Soil tillage . Plowing on plowing is carried out to a depth of 2225 cm. In early spring, moisture is closed, and 1015 days before sowing (planting rhizomes), the site is cultivated, harrowed and marked.


Application of fertilizers. Organic and mineral fertilizers are applied under autumn plowing at the rate of 60 t/ha of manure, 5 t/ha of superphosphate, 1.5 t/ha of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, and on acidic soils another 45 t/ha of lime.


Reproduction . Adonis spring propagates by sowing seeds or planting rhizomes.


Sowing of adonis should be done in nurseries in June-July with freshly harvested seeds in such a way that the seedlings have at least one leaf by winter.


In the nursery, seedlings develop slowly and are planted in the ground only at 30% – the fourth year of life.


The planting of adonis with rhizomes is carried out as follows: the rhizomes are cut lengthwise into two or three parts and planted


them in September or early spring, one per nest to a depth of 2022 cm with a distance in rows of 30 cm.


Plantation care consists in loosening row spacings, weeding, fertilizing. During the summer, it is recommended to carry out four to five loosening and two to three weeding.


Harvest . When adonis is propagated by seeds, the first harvest can be harvested only at 30% – the fourth year of the plant’s life. Harvest during flowering fruiting, beveling only the upper grassy parts of the plant. The culture reaches its maximum productivity in the sixth or seventh year. The productive vegetation of adonis in the same place lasts ten or more years.


Drying . The cut grass is sent to dryers on the same day, and in the absence of the latter, it is dried in attics under a tin roof or in the open air, in the shade.


Pack. Spring adonis grass is packed in bales of 5075 kg.


Storage. Harvested grass should be stored in a well-ventilated area, where the sun’s rays do not fall, changing the green color and biological activity of the raw material.


quality requirements. The finished raw material should consist of well-dried and leafy stems and branches cut above the basal brown scales. According to GOST 266347, moisture content of 13% is allowed; total ash 10; showered leaves 5; plants with uncut stems containing brown basal scaly leaves, 2; parts of plants that have lost their normal color, 3; organic impurities 2, mineral 0.5%; the biological activity of raw materials for the pharmacy must be 50 ICE, and sent to factories and plants producing galenic products, 75.

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