Adoxa musky – adoxa musky

Adoxa musk (Adoxa moschatellina); tansy; adoxa musky


Perennial herbaceous plant of the Adoxaceae family, 5-15 cm tall; has a musky smell. Basal leaves (1—3) twice tripartite, long-petiolate; there are two stem leaves, they are tripartite, placed oppositely near the middle of the flower-bearing stem. The flowers are small, regular, bisexual, yellowish-green, in capitate inflorescences at the top of the stem. The fruit is a drupe. Blooms in April – May. Spread. It grows in deciduous forests, on shrubs almost throughout the territory of Ukraine, except for the Southern Steppe.

Raw. They use the roots, which are harvested in the fall.

The plant is unofficial.

Chemical composition . The herb contains tannins, caffeic and p-coumaric acids, 6-lactose; the roots contain an essential oil.

Pharmacological properties and use . Essential oil of Adoxa musk has an antispasmodic effect. Root infusion has antimicrobial and wound-healing properties and is used externally in the form of compresses and washes in the treatment of purulent cancers.

Medicinal forms and applications. Externally – infusion (20 g of crushed roots per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for several hours in a thermos, strain) for compresses and washing.