Agalyk-mountain grass – mountain buchnik

Agalyk-mountain grass (Jasione montana); mountain beech


Two-year herbaceous soft-rough-pubescent plant of the bellflower family. The stem is erect, simple or branched, 15-100 cm tall. Leaves alternate, entire; the lower ones are elongated-wedge-shaped, notched, the upper ones are linear-oblong, obtuse. The flowers are bisexual, regular, blue, collected in dense apical heads. The fruit is a box. Blooms in June – August.

Spread. It grows in pine forests, on sandy places in forest and forest-steppe areas. Raw. They use grass collected during the flowering of the plant. The plant is unofficial.

Chemical composition. The grass contains flavonoids, inulin.

Pharmacological properties and use. It has been found experimentally that the plant has a hemostatic effect. In folk medicine, an infusion of the herb is used for headaches, dizziness, insomnia, stomachaches, women’s diseases, and as a diuretic. Dystrophic children are bathed in a decoction of herbs.

Medicinal forms and applications. Internally – infusion (1 tablespoon of raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes) 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.