
Epididymitis   is inflammation of the epididymis. Sometimes epididymitis is a complication of a common infectious disease – influenza, pneumonia, tonsillitis, or some other. But most often, epididymitis occurs with a chronic inflammatory disease of the genitourinary organs – urethritis, prostatitis, vesiculitis. The appearance of epididymitis is often promoted by trauma to the scrotum, perineum, pelvis, as well as all those factors that contribute to stagnation of blood in the small.

Types of epididymitis

A special type of epididymitis is the appearance of this disease as a result of sterilization – ligation or removal of the vas deferens. In this case, the spermatozoa formed in the testicles do not have time to dissolve, accumulate in the appendages and cause inflammation.

Acute epididymitis

Acute epididymitis subsides after 2-5 days without treatment, a dense, slightly bumpy infiltrate is determined in the tail or body of the appendage, often replaced by a scar and causing obstructive aspermia, which, along with the development of autoaggression towards spermatozoa, causes infertility. With epididymitis, the vas deferens can be involved in the process, which is palpable in the form of a dense painful cord (deferentitis), sometimes the entire spermatic cord turns into a painful cord as thick as a finger (funiculitis). Gonorrheal epididymitis (gonorrhea) in later times does not often develop subacutely or torpidly.

Chronic epididymitis

Chronic epididymitis is the final stage of acute epididymitis. In chronic epididymitis, fibrous thickening of part or all of the epididymis occurs, not often with cicatricial obstruction of the duct and epididymis. Chronic epididymitis is asymptomatic with a feeling of discomfort in the scrotum during an exacerbation. In chronic epididymitis, on palpation, the epididymis is compacted, sometimes enlarged, painful, clearly delimited from the testicle. The spermatic cord may be thickened, and the vas deferens may be enlarged in diameter. In chronic epididymitis, the ability of sperm to fertilize is reduced, up to infertility.

The main symptoms of epididymitis

The disease is manifested by soreness in the scrotum, frequent urination, fever, discharge from the urethra.

The pain can spread to the groin, perineum, sometimes even to the sacrum and lower back, sharply aggravated by movement.

At the same time, the patient’s body temperature rises to 38 – 39 ° C, common symptoms of an inflammatory disease are found – weakness, headache, loss of appetite, etc. The epididymis increases, becomes dense, sharply painful when touched.

Treatment of epididymitis

In the treatment of epididymitis, first of all it will be necessary to identify the causes that led to its development. Be sure to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). When treating epididymitis, you will need to observe strict bed rest.

Prevention of epididymitis

Prevention consists in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, primarily chronic urethritis and prostatitis. In other cases, you just need to carefully listen to your feelings, especially if you happen to suffer a common infectious disease (acute pneumonia, tonsillitis) or get injured in the scrotum, and if one or more symptoms of this disease appear, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible.