
Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain.

There are primary and secondary encephalitis.

The primary ones include epidemic, tick-borne, mosquito, enterovirus, herpetic, etc.

Secondary encephalitis occurs against the background of influenza, measles, brain abscess, osteomyelitis, toxoplasmosis and other diseases.

According to etiology and pathogenesis, infectious, infectious-allergic, allergic and toxic encephalitis are distinguished.

Depending on the predominant localization, encephalitis is divided into hemispheric, stem, cerebellar, mesencephalic, diencephalic. Often, along with the substance of the brain, some parts of the spinal cord are also affected, and in these cases they speak of encephalomyelitis.

Encephalitis can also be diffuse and focal, according to the nature of the exudate – purulent and non-purulent.