Enteritis chronic

Chronic enteritis is a disease of the small intestine, which develops as a result of dystrophy, inflammation or atrophy of the mucosa. Causes leading to chronic enteritis: infection (dysenteric bacillus, staphylococcus, salmopella, viruses), parasitic infestation (giardia, ascaris), exposure to industrial poisons (phosphorus, arsenic, lead), some antibiotics (neomycin), drugs of the salicylic group (aspirin) , allergic damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Chronic enteritis can develop after gastric resection, with chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, renal failure, and various skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema).

Symptoms and course. Pain of varying intensity in the middle sections of the abdomen, aggravated in the afternoon, sometimes cramping in the form of “intestinal colic”, subsiding with the appearance of a loud rumbling. Abdominal distention, sensation of distension. During the period of exacerbation, diarrhea is 3-6 times per knock, fecal masses are abundant, light yellow in color, without admixture of blood, mucus or pus, in severe cases, the frequency of stools can reach 15 times a day. Possible violations of the type of dumping syndrome, hypoglycemic phenomena: “wolfish appetite”, cold sweat 2-3 hours after eating. With a long or severe course of chronic enteritis, symptoms of malabsorption of substances necessary for the body are noted: weight loss, edema, more often of the lower extremities, signs of hypovitaminosis, iron and B12 deficiency anemia, degeneration of internal organs, including the liver, myocardium.

Recognition . When examining blood, a decrease in the content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and protein is likely. Coprological examination of feces: undigested fats, fiber, a large amount of mucus and leukocytosis. Dysbacteriosis is revealed. An x-ray examination determines the acceleration or deceleration of the passage of barium from the stomach through the small intestine, a change in the relief of its mucosa, and spasms of individual sections.

Treatment.Diet No. 4, 4a, 4c, depending on the severity of the disease, eating 5-7 times a day with equal intervals between them, all food is warm and mashed. It is necessary to limit the amount of animal fats. Vegetables and fruits are best mashed. Low-fat beef, veal, chicken, fish, eggs and cottage cheese, slimy soups, pureed cereals. Exclude milk, black bread, carbonated drinks, with diarrhea – prunes, grapes, cabbage, nuts, freshly baked flour products. In a hospital, according to the doctor’s prescription, “hungry” days are held. When dysbacteriosis is detected, the issue of prescribing appropriate medications is resolved: sulfonamides, antibiotics or biological products (colibacterin, bifikol, bifidum). In violation of protein metabolism – the introduction of protein products. Vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid in injections. Against frequent profuse diarrhea – astringents. Anemia shows iron products, vitamin B12, folic acid.