
Cholangitis is inflammation of the bile ducts. According to the course and morphological changes in the ducts, it can be acute, subacute and purulent. It often occurs as a concomitant lesion in acute cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, and can also be an independent disease.

Symptoms and course of cholangitis. The main manifestations are pain in the right hypochondrium, fever with chills, sweats, nausea, and vomiting. The liver is enlarged and painful. As the disease progresses, the spleen may become enlarged. A common symptom is jaundice, which is accompanied by itching. With purulent cholangitis, all clinical signs of inflammation are more pronounced, the temperature rises to 40C, the development of a subphrenic abscess, sepsis is likely. May be complicated by hepatitis, in severe cases with hepatic coma.

Recognition of cholangitis. Diagnosis is based on characteristic symptoms. A supporting role is played by laboratory data: an increased number of leukocytes, an acceleration of ESR, changes in biochemical tests. Use cholangiography, gastroduodenoscopy, retrograde cholangiography, less often laparoscopy (examination of the abdominal organs through a laparoscope).

Treatment of cholangitis. Diet No. 5a, 5. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, nitrofuran drugs, choleretic, antispasmodics. In some cases, surgical intervention is indicated: removal of stones from the bile ducts, dissection of the narrowing of the Vater nipple. Sanatorium treatment in remission.