Under this name, doctors combine diseases caused by increased susceptibility to sunlight. Sometimes they are also called photodermatoses. It is customary to divide photodermatitis into exogenous – i.e. caused by external factors, and endogenous – in the development of which the main “starting” moment is internal causes.
The most striking example of exogenous photodermatitis is the so-called meadow dermatitis. In the summer, during the flowering period, many meadow plants secrete a special substance – furocoumarin, which settles on the skin when a person is in these places. With simultaneous exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in some people sensitive to this, reddening of the skin, the appearance of vesicles (vesicles and pustules), severe itching with further long-term pigmentation of the affected skin areas are likely.
Phototoxic substances such as bergamot oil, some disinfectants, diuretic and anti-diabetic products, and sulfonamides can also cause similar phenomena in combination with sunlight.
In the treatment of exogenous photodermatitis, topical products (applied directly to the affected areas of the skin), such as betamethasone, are traditionally used. In some cases, a short-term course of oral glucocorticoids is indicated – dexamethasone, prednisolone.
This group of photodermatitis (photodermatosis) includes quite rare diseases, in the development of which both disturbances in the body’s immune system and all kinds of metabolic disorders (metabolic disorders) can be predisposing factors. Endogenous photodermatitis includes porphyria, xeroderma pigmentosa, Hydroa vacciniformia (Hydroa vacciform), Akne aestivalis, polymorphic photodermatosis.
All these conditions require the close attention of specialists (dermatologists, immunologists, allergists) and numerous tests, since for their correct treatment it will be necessary to identify the true cause that causes such a pathological reaction of the body to sunlight.