
Fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor arising from glandular tissue (the tissue that secretes milk after pregnancy and childbirth).

Why does fibroadenoma occur?

Certainly unknown. It is believed that the cause of fibroadenoma is hormonal changes in adolescence and menopause, since it is during these periods of a woman’s life that fibroadenoma most often occurs.

How does fibroadenoma manifest itself?

Most often, fibroadenoma appears as a painless mass in the breast. When palpating, fibroadenoma is defined as a rounded formation, with a smooth surface, easily displaced. Fibroadenoma may not be palpable. These tumors are traditionally found incidentally during ultrasound or mammography.

Can fibroadenoma turn into cancer?

In general, no. There is only one type of fibroadenoma – phyllodes fibroadenoma, which tends to degenerate into a sarcoma. This tumor is not often referred to as a leaf-shaped tumor and most agree that it is a separate type of benign breast tumor.


After examination by an oncologist, ultrasound and mammography can be additionally used.

Is it necessary to remove fibroadenoma?

No. Indications for removal of fibroadenoma are: suspicion of breast cancer, suspicion of a phylloidal tumor, intense tumor growth, large tumor size (due to breast deformity).

Can fibroadenoma be cured without surgery?

No. Fibroadenomas may shrink but never completely resolve.

How is the operation going?

Usually, a small incision is made under local anesthesia, after which the fibroadenoma is found in the tissues and it is removed. Enucleation is usually performed – removal of the tumor without surrounding tissue. With strong suspicions of breast cancer, a sectoral resection is performed – removal of the tumor with surrounding healthy tissues. The removed tissues are sent for histological examination.