Extraction of teeth (surgery)

Surgical dentistry is a science that studies the diagnosis of diseases and injuries of the organs of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region and develops surgical methods for their treatment. So, for example, they turn to her help for various kinds of inflammation, mechanical damage, tumor processes, congenital and acquired defects and deformities. If earlier in any difficult case a tooth was removed, today, when there are modern and effective methods of treatment, doctors are doing everything possible to avoid this. So the well-known phrase that the triumph of the surgeon is based on the impotence of the therapist has now lost its relevance. Therefore, surgical dentistry pays considerable attention to tooth-preserving operations.

All kinds of surgical procedures are carried out in the dental clinic. Cystotomy (cystectomy) – from the Greek. kystis – bubble, sac and ektome – excision, cutting out – allows the removal of cysts. Resection (from Latin resectio) is aimed at correcting all kinds of deformities.

Indications for tooth extraction

The doctor makes the decision to remove the teeth only after a thorough examination of your oral cavity and a detailed consultation. You can assess the condition of the tooth on the basis of a picture that gives an objective picture of the inside of the tooth, its root and the bone located within the root.

Any information about your condition may be helpful. Even such a detail as the intake of medical products can make a difference. For example, aspirin slows down the process of blood clotting, and women who take birth control are more likely to develop dry sockets. It is possible that some medications are causing you an allergic reaction. All this information will be needed to draw up an individual treatment program, and will help in the surgical intervention.