Acne (acne)

Acne has several names: acne vulgaris, acne, Acne vulgaris. It occurs as a chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands and a violation of their activity. The most common are common or so-called acne vulgaris. They are found as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Many adolescents have such acne, since during puberty there is an increase in the function of the sebaceous glands due to changes in hormonal status. Juvenile acne is found on the back, neck, chest, face. The skin with all this becomes porous, with a greasy sheen with grayish-black plugs, carmedons or “black dots”.

Stagnation in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, the skin secret decomposes and creates a favorable environment for bacteria. As a result, carmedones become inflamed and form acne in the form of pustules or inflamed nodules. If such carmedons are not treated, they turn into painful reddish seals, as a result of their opening, pus is released and scars remain. The development of acne contributes to a decrease in the body’s resistance to the action of pyogenic viruses.

Acne-prone skin will need to be thoroughly cleansed. With all this, choose cosmetics very carefully, since the use of some creams, including cosmetics based on mineral oils, only exacerbates the development of acne. The skin must be cleaned very delicately, as hard abrasives and scrubs irritate the inflamed areas. Moisturizing and disinfecting the skin prevents the development of acne and various viruses, such as Propionobacterium acnes.

Acne treatment is complex, that is, with the use of both internal and external means. It is also necessary to follow a diet, giving up fatty foods, a lot of sugar, jam, eggs. You will also need to eat more dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

A well-chosen complex treatment can get rid of acne.