
Uveitis is a general term for inflammation of the choroid in the eye. The choroid is also called the uveal tract. It consists of three parts: the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid proper (choroid).

Uveitis is classified by location, cause, and duration.

The duration of uveitis can be acute and chronic (if it lasts more than 6 weeks).

According to localization, 4 main types of uveitis are distinguished:

Anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis) affects the iris and ciliary body and is the most common. Peripheral uveitis involves the ciliary body and choroid, vitreous, and retina. Posterior uveitis (choroiditis, chorioretinitis) affects the choroid, retina, and optic nerve. Panuveitis is characterized by inflammation of the entire uveal tract.

Most often, uveitis is caused by an infection or a systemic inflammatory disease. In some cases, the underlying cause of uveitis remains unknown.

Signs (symptoms)

The symptoms of uveitis depend on the location of the inflammation.

Anterior uveitis (iridocyclitis)

  • photophobia;
  • decreased vision;
  • redness of the eye within the cornea;
  • pain in the eye;
  • narrow pupil;
  • lacrimation;
  • rise in intraocular pressure.

Peripheral uveitis

  • often affects both eyes;
  • floating opacities (flies);
  • decreased vision.

Posterior uveitis (chorioretinitis)

  • decreased vision
  • pain (if the optic nerve is involved)


  • a combination of symptoms of anterior, intermediate and posterior uveitis

Diagnosis of uveitis

Uveitis is determined by careful examination of the eyes with a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope. Vision and intraocular pressure are also checked. In some cases, blood tests are required to rule out or confirm a systemic disease.

Treatment of uveitis

The purpose of a specific treatment depends on the severity of the inflammation and which parts of the eye are affected. Eye drops, injections under the conjunctiva and in the eyelid, tablets, intramuscular and intravenous injections – all this can be prescribed to stop the inflammatory reaction. In some cases, drops are required to reduce increased intraocular pressure.

After the inflammation subsides, it may be necessary to treat the consequences of uveitis: cataracts, glaucoma, vitreous opacities, retinal detachment.