
Trichomoniasis is a parasitic disease transmitted primarily through sexual contact. In women, it is found somewhat more often. Hence the name of the parasite – “Vaginal Trichomonas” (Trichomonas vaginalis). In men, T. vaginalis can affect the urethra, seminal vesicles, and prostate, and in women, the vagina, urethra, cervix, and adnexa.

The incubation period from the moment of infection is traditionally 2-7 days, less often up to 30 days. Clinical manifestations of the trichomonas process are noted at the points of contact and are characterized by grayish-white, sometimes frothy, discharge from the vagina, urethra, itching and discomfort in the same areas, perineum. When the disease passes into the chronic stage, the prostate gland and other accessory glands in men, the fallopian tubes and ovaries in women are affected, and secondary infertility often develops. Manifestations lose their specificity and become similar to manifestations of diseases of the above organs, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.

Unlike most sexually transmitted infections, Trichomonas does not affect the oral cavity and rectum, internal organs.

Given the long experience in the treatment of trichomoniasis, the selection of an adequate drug presents a certain difficulty, and only a qualified doctor can solve this problem.

Cytological and molecular biological diagnostics (PCR), cultural research methods are used to identify Trichomonas.