
According to the definition of K. Imelinsky: “Transsexualism consists in a discrepancy between the mental sense of one’s own sex and the morphobiological structure of the body, as well as the social (metric) sex, which are perceived as something“ alien ”belonging to the opposite sex.” Transsexuals feel dislike for their own bodies and expect behavior and support from the environment that confirms their own perception of gender. It is not often that these expectations are deliberately provoked by dressing in typical clothes of the opposite sex and adjusting one’s behavior to be typical of the other sex. Valinder believes that transsexualism is a fairly common violation, and its main features are the belief in one’s own belonging to the opposite sex, hatred of the features of one’s body, which confirm belonging to a mentally unacceptable biological sex, and an irresistible need to change their biological and passport sex. As such, sexual life is not important to them, and in many cases, transsexuals show signs of mental immaturity. Failure to fulfill the desire to change sex can be a cause of suicide for a transsexual.

Bomba and Goldewski, when studying the problem of transsexualism and examining transsexuals, revealed the following characteristic features in them: a sense of rejection, a need to draw attention to themselves, infantilism, impulsiveness, egocentrism, illusory ideas, mannerisms, homosexual tendencies. In a study of 60 transsexuals, Honig and Kenna found that the more often they had mental disorders, the more often antisocial behavior was noted (for example, prostitution occurred in 31% of cases). Based on a test of extensive literature, Dalko comes to the conclusion: “It is not excluded that in the process of gender identification the decisive role belongs to the influence of the environment in which the upbringing of a given individual took place. Most likely this process, as well as many others, is also influenced by genetic and endocrine factors, and probably by a number of other hitherto unknown influences. K. Imelinsky holds similar views on the genesis of transsexualism.

Having tested the existing amount of knowledge about transsexualism, having significant experience in performing surgical sex reassignment and subsequent follow-up of persons who underwent such an operation, Lotstein came to the conclusion that this method of medical correction of transsexualism cannot be considered optimal and should not be recommended as an actual solution. this problem. In his opinion, in the study of transsexualism, very little attention was paid to the problem of secondary transsexualism.