Fungal stomatitis

Fungal stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

The reasons

Children become infected during childbirth, through care items, dishes, nipples, toys, etc. Often, fungal stomatitis affects babies who received antibiotics, or if the children were breastfed while the mother was being treated with antibiotics.

Fungal stomatitis in adults develops most often with a decrease in the body’s immune forces, as a result of prolonged antibiotic treatment, as well as a complication of chronic diseases. For example, diabetes.

Also, the development of the disease contributes to poor oral care.


Manifestations of the disease in children. Initially, areas of redness are found on the tongue and oral mucosa. After 2-3 days, multiple, whitish, loose rashes appear. Subsequently, they increase, reach the size of a pinhead. The foci are covered with a curdled coating, which is difficult to separate, exposed to all this erosion, they bleed. The child becomes restless, because of the pain in the mouth refuses to eat, pronounced salivation.

It is not often that the baby clings to the breast or nipple, but after a few sucking movements, it releases the breast with crying. In severe stomatitis, the temperature may rise, the child becomes lethargic, apathetic. In addition to problems in the oral cavity, intestinal dysbacteriosis occurs, which is manifested in various ways by a violation of the stool (usually diarrhea), abdominal pain, and flatulence.

Manifestations of the disease in adults. If fungal stomatitis develops against the background of diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiency states, then it always has a chronic course, while the mucous membrane is bright red, dry, thinned, in some places covered with a curdled coating characteristic of thrush. With the transition of fungal stomatitis into a chronic form, the mucous membrane becomes dry, pain and burning are detected, swallowing is difficult. These symptoms of thrush can be in both babies and adults.


The diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical manifestations.


Treatment of stomatitis includes eliminating the cause of the disease, providing a balanced diet, oral hygiene, as well as the appointment of immunostimulating products and antifungal ointments.

Inside nystatin, levorin, amphotericin B, vitamin C 1 g every day, vitamins B1, B2, potassium iodide. Irrigation of the oral cavity with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution. On the lesions -10% sodium borate solution.

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