Tourette syndrome

Tourette’s syndrome is a disorder of the central nervous system, in the form of a combination of tic-like twitching of the muscles of the face, neck and shoulder girdle, involuntary movements of the lips and tongue with frequent coughing and spitting, coprolalia.

The reasons

This neurological (brain) condition traditionally begins in childhood. It causes the child to make sounds or words (vocal or vocal tics) or make body movements (motor or movement tics) that he cannot control.

Tourette Syndrome is believed to have a genetic component. This means that if a person has a particular gene or set of genes, they are at an increased risk of developing the condition. The exact gene or set of genes has not yet been identified. After answering detailed questions from a doctor about the family’s medical history, many parents with a child with Tourette Syndrome are surprised to learn that other family members probably also had symptoms of the condition.


The disease traditionally begins at the age of 5-6 with the appearance of simple violent movements (blinking, twitching of individual small muscles of the face, protrusion of the tongue). Over time, tics spread to the shoulder girdle, torso, and legs. gradually tick movements become more complicated; they look like purposeful ones. although they remain arbitrary.

Characterized by the suddenness of the occurrence of tics, the speed of their implementation. Attempts to arbitrarily slow them down traditionally fail. Movements are of the same type in their manifestations (sharp, fast, jerky), sometimes patients inflict serious injuries on themselves, because they cannot control sudden movements. Gradually, motor tics are joined by sound symptoms: the pronunciation of individual sounds and inarticulate words is a characteristic feature of the syndrome.

In some cases, the so-called echolalia, that is, the obsessive repetition of words, syllables or sounds, may be noted. In half of the cases with Tourette’s syndrome, vocal tics with indecent abusive words, as well as indecent gestures, are possible. At the same time, patients are well aware of the unacceptability and inadequacy of their behavior, but they cannot control their behavior in any way.

Because of this, secondary mental disorders are possible – depression with depression and isolation, low self-esteem and avoidance of contact with people.

If we take into account the fact that tics are aggravated by emotional stress, then such patients feel especially uncomfortable in public places when they notice that others, not knowing about their illness, are hostile.


A doctor can diagnose Tourette syndrome based on the baby’s medical history and the types of symptoms that caregivers have noticed.


One of the important aspects of the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome is the psychological work with such people, their emotional support and participation. Starting in childhood, the disease can manifest itself throughout life; with age, some smoothing of symptoms is likely, tk. patients learn to avoid unpleasant situations, smooth out the manifestations of their disease. In the treatment of the syndrome, psychotherapy and treatment with psychotropic products, especially antipsychotics, are used. Treatment with products allows you to somewhat ease the severity of tics, as well as reduce irritability and emotional tension.

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