Cancer of the female genital organs


A malignant tumor that appears more often during menopause in the form of dense nodes, infiltrates, or papillary growths, ulcers with dense edges are not often formed. Precancerous conditions are vulvar kraurosis, leukoplakia. A dense cancerous tumor grows in a plane and in depth, the inguinal lymph nodes are quickly involved in the process. Depending on the distribution, stages I, II, III and IV are distinguished.

Symptoms and course

The initial signs are itching, burning in the vulva, then pains join, and with the collapse of the tumor – purulent bloody discharge.


At I and II stages – combined (surgical and radiation), at III and IV stages – radiation.


As an independent disease is not common. Women in the climacteric period and menopause get sick more often. The process proceeds in the form of the appearance of a dense infiltrate or ulcer on the walls of the vagina with rapid ulceration.

Symptoms and course

Purulent-bloody leucorrhoea, pains are found not earlier than the 2nd stage of the process. In the future – signs of compression of the vagina, impaired urination, general intoxication.


Radiation. Mobile metastases in regional lymph nodes are removed surgically


It is the most common malignant tumor of the female genital organs. Distinguish:

  • 0 stage (initial);
  • Stage I (the process is limited only to the cervix);
  • Stage II (further spread of the tumor to the vagina, uterus and parametric tissue);
  • stage III (the same as in stage II, but the process covers more space);
  • IV stage (germination in the bladder, rectum, metastases to distant organs – bones, lungs, liver, etc.).

Symptoms and course

Subjectively, the initial stage (0) does not manifest itself in any way, I st. accompanied by the release of serous or serous-bloody leucorrhea, aggravated by vaginal examination, after sexual intercourse, defecation (contact bleeding). Later, under the II and III Art. There are purulent-bloody leucorrhea with a putrid odor, pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, a violation of the general condition: intoxication, dysfunction of the bladder and rectum, sudden weight loss.


In the initial stages (0 and I), surgical and combined (operative and radiation) treatment is likely. At II and III Art. – conducting combined radiation therapy. Under the IV Art. – symptomatic treatment.

Prevention consists in identifying pathological conditions of the cervix that contribute to the development of cancer: cervical erosion, its cicatricial changes, endocervicitis and their timely treatment.


It proceeds in the form of a diffuse lesion of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) or individual polypous growths. Growing into the layers of the uterus, the cancerous tumor spreads to the appendages and peritoneum. Distant metastases are found late.

Symptoms and course

Progresses slowly, characterized by serous-bloody or purulent-bloody malodorous leucorrhoea or acyclic bleeding in older women or menopausal bleeding. When these symptoms appear, it will be necessary to curettage the uterine cavity with a histological examination of the scraping.


Combined (surgical and radiation) or complex (surgery, radiation, hormone therapy).


In the initial stages, it is asymptomatic. In the future, the abdomen increases, the tumor is palpated, ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity) appears. In advanced cases, pain, intoxication, dysfunction of the bladder and intestines, cachexia (exhaustion) appear.


Combined: surgical with subsequent use of radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.