Aneurysm rupture

Aneurysm rupture. Researchers estimate that more than a million people on the planet live with an undetected aortic aneurysm. And at least 95% of them can be successfully treated without waiting for such a dangerous complication as its rupture.

An aneurysm of the abdominal aorta occurs almost exclusively in atherosclerosis, so the disease is characteristic mainly for people of relatively old age. An aneurysm of the abdominal aorta develops most often against the background of hypertension, which increases the risk of spontaneous rupture. Very rarely, a syphilitic etiology of an aneurysm is possible.

Initially, the rupture is not often partial with delamination of the walls of the affected aorta, and therefore a short-term independent stop of bleeding is possible with the formation of a pulsating hematoma, located in the retroperitoneal space next to the aorta. The hematoma cavity is filled with blood clots and partially liquid blood.

The reasons

If vascular aneurysms are not detected and treated in a timely manner, then their rupture is possible, which occurs suddenly and is accompanied by massive bleeding.


When an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta ruptures, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, weakness, dizziness, a state of shock and loss of consciousness almost instantly develop.

The diagnosis is confirmed by x-ray, ultrasound, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, aortography.


Patients with a partial rupture of the abdominal aorta will need to be urgently delivered to specialized surgical departments. Excessively vigorous measures to increase the decreased blood pressure are contraindicated due to the risk of recurrent bleeding.

In clinically clear cases, there is no need for additional research methods in a hospital; patients require urgent surgery.

Massive bleeding in the case of rupture of an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta quickly leads to death due to hypovolemic shock.

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