Liver failure

Liver failure – develops in severe forms of acute hepatitis and with the progression of chronic liver damage as a result of a violation of its functions.

Symptoms and course of liver failure.The main clinical manifestations are changes in the neuropsychic status, which is due to the development of hepatic encephalopathy (brain damage under the influence of toxic substances). At first, the diseased behavior changes, the ability to concentrate attention decreases (does not understand the text being read, it is difficult to count), the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disturbed, emotional arousal is replaced by depression of mood. Increases jaundice, the size of ascites. As consciousness progresses, consciousness becomes confused, initial signs of hepatic coma are detected (hallucinatory-delusional episodes and increasing slovenliness), which sometimes leads to a primary visit to a psychiatrist, which means late diagnosis and delay in the start of adequate treatment. The final phase of hepatic coma: loss of consciousness, increased respiration and pulse rate, lowering blood pressure. Acute liver failure develops quickly, over several hours or days, and with timely therapy can be reversible. Chronic liver failure develops gradually, over several weeks or months, with a transition to a hepatic coma and, as a rule, with a fatal outcome.

Treatment of liver failure. It is carried out only in a hospital setting. Regular, with the aggravation of the condition, more and more thorough hygienic care. Diet number 5 (wiped). Daily cleansing enemas. The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics (monomycin, kanamycin). Intravenous administration in droppers of 5% glucose solution, gemodez, saline solutions, B vitamins, ascorbic acid. In the presence of ascites, diuretics are prescribed.

Articles from the forum on the topic ” Liver failure “

Do tests show that the liver is enlarged and which ones? In general, liver failure?

Answer #1

I don’t remember what it’s called, but there is such a blood test from a vein – it shows that the liver is enlarged. but I also did the uzi.

Answer #2

You can not do it.\
Changes in the analyzes appear much earlier than on ultrasound.

Answer #3

Ultrasound shows that the liver is enlarged (how much is enlarged, is there inflammation, etc.)

Answer #4

Of course, if you wish, you can do an ultrasound, the money will not be superfluous for doctors …
Another question is, what are the indications for an ultrasound, what do you want to see there?
You understand, you can determine the enlargement of the liver with your hands, even I myself can determine in a few seconds whether your liver is large or not.
Blood tests as you write normal ie. the main indicators for this are total bilirubin with indirect and direct fractions in the norm, triglycerides with alt and ast are also normal … Question: then what makes you do an ultrasound? Based on your data, I see no evidence.

Answer #5

Deficiency yes, but how can the size of the liver be seen by analysis? This is only on ultrasound …. And in general, not all pathology is visible from analyzes … For example, all my liver tests are good, but according to ultrasound, not everything is so good …