
Periodontitis is a disease in which inflammation of the gums spreads to other periodontal tissues. With periodontitis, the dentogingival connection is destroyed, the destruction of the bone tissue of the alveolar process and periodontium occurs. Periodontitis is the main cause of tooth loss in older age.

The reasons for the development of periodontitis may be malocclusion, teeth shape disorders, poor oral hygiene, dietary disorders (lack of protein, vitamins). Periodontitis often develops as a result of inflammation of the gums – gingivitis or another disease – periodontal disease. The structure of food also plays a role in the development of periodontitis – too soft food, which does not contribute to cleaning the teeth and normal chewing load, can also be the cause of periodontitis. Bad habits, such as chewing on one side of the jaws, i.e. functional overload of some parts of the jaw can also contribute to the development of periodontitis. A special role is played by chronic diseases, poor ecology, occupational hazards, and metabolic disorders. As you can see, periodontitis is a multifactorial disease.

Signs of periodontitis :

  • looseness of teeth;
  • bleeding gums and bad breath;
  • change in the position of the teeth, the appearance of gaps between the teeth;
  • suppuration from the tooth;
  • tooth abscesses;
  • with the progression of periodontitis, pain and abscesses appear.

Periodontitis is a very serious disease that can lead to tooth loss. If any of the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Articles from the forum on the topic ” Periodontitis “

how to cure periodontitis and restore the periosteum

Answer #1

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. Unlike periodontal disease, it is characterized by bleeding gums, viscous saliva and plaque on the teeth. In advanced cases, fistulas and purulent pockets in the gums, inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes can develop.
If periodontitis is not treated, the process goes even further, already capturing the periosteum. Changes in bone tissue become irreversible.
Modern methods of treatment of periodontitis are absolutely painless and effective. Good results in the treatment of periodontitis bring ozone therapy, applications of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin therapy.
Treatment of periodontitis with non-surgical methods consists in the careful removal of gingival tartar and dense dental deposits with a laser. After the removal of dental deposits, medical treatment of the gums is carried out. Treatment of periodontitis with a laser is effective at any stage of the inflammatory process in the periodontium. It allows you to achieve very good results.
One of the modern methods of periodontitis treatment is photodynamic therapy of periodontal diseases. The method is based on the use of photosensitive substances and light of a certain wavelength. As a result, oxygen is released, which destroys pathologically altered cells and inflammatory microflora in periodontal pockets.
In the later stages of periodontitis, the doctor is faced with the task of strengthening the teeth to prevent their falling out. Curettage of gingival pockets, a flap operation, splinting of teeth is carried out – the process of treating periodontitis in this case is lengthy and does not always give the desired results.
In the complex treatment of periodontitis, various methods of splinting teeth are used. This process involves “binding” the moving teeth into a single block, which strengthens the weakened teeth and prevents them from loosening. The splint is attached with composite cement to the inner surface of the teeth, securely fixes the teeth and is not visible to others.
Treatment of periodontitis with the use of modern technologies allows not only to preserve, but also to restore the bone tissue of the jaw – a support for the teeth, thereby preserving the teeth themselves

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