
Panaritium is an acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger or, less often, the foot. It develops traditionally when pathogens of a purulent infection enter the tissues of the finger during microtrauma (shots, wounds, cracks, etc.). On the palmar plane of the fingers, the skin is connected to the palmar aponeurosis by tendon bridges, thus forming channels. The infection through these channels quickly spreads inward, and edema with inflammation in a limited cavity (between the tendon bridges) leads to increased pressure, compression of the supply vessels and necrosis.

Varieties of panaritsia

Paronychia is inflammation within the nail fold. Causes: superficial trauma during manicure, tearing of burrs. There is redness, swelling and pain in the area of ​​​​the nail roller, from under which pus can be released.

Subungual felon – accumulation of pus under the nail plate. Occurs with suppuration of subungual hematomas, foreign bodies, the transition of inflammation from within the nail fold. Severe pain appears, “bathing” of the nail plate. Sometimes pus is released from under the nail plate.

Cutaneous panaritium is an accumulation of pus under the epidermis in the form of a limited bubble. It often occurs with microtrauma or foreign bodies of the skin.

Subcutaneous panaritium is a common form of suppuration of the fingers. Marked jerking pain, local tenderness outside the projection of the tendons. More often, the process is localized on the nail phalanx; it threatens with the transition of inflammation to the bone or joint.

Tendon panaritium – suppuration of the tendon sheath more often with the spread of subcutaneous panaritium in depth. There is severe pain, a sharp swelling of the affected finger, which, together with the neighboring one, is in a state of palmar flexion.

Articular felon – suppuration of the articular bag of the interphalangeal joint. More often it is a complication of subcutaneous panaritium (late or incorrectly performed surgery).

Bone panaritium is more often localized on the nail phalanx. There are flask-shaped swelling of the finger in the area of ​​the nail phalanx, pain on palpation, sometimes bone crepitus is determined. X-ray revealed bone sequestration. Treatment is operative.

The main symptoms of panaritium

Panaritium looks like a vial with a cloudy liquid or pus. At first, the pain is not very pronounced, but as the size of the bubble increases, the pressure on the nerve endings increases and the pain becomes quite strong, constant, pulsating, aggravated by movement and by lowering the arm down.

Treatment of panaritium

In the initial stages, conservative: baths with potassium permanganate, antiseptics. When pus appears – surgical treatment.

Prophylaxis panaritsia

The main thing is the cleanliness of the hands, but do not forget that the skin overdried with soap and detergents is covered with small but deep cracks, and pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into it through these microtraumas.

Use gloves when cleaning or gardening. Be careful when dealing with dirt and sharp objects – peeling potatoes or butchering fish (fish bone pricks are a common root cause of severely leaking felons). You cannot work with gloves, lubricate your hands with a protective cream before and moisturizing after work.

Do not use other people’s manicure devices. If you do a manicure yourself, try to injure the skin within the nail bed less. Carefully and carefully remove barbs – they cause painful felons within the nail.

Be careful when doing needlework.

Articles from the forum on the topic ” Panaritium “

how to treat panaritium?

Answer #1

better cut faster

Answer #2


Answer #3

treated with ointment and Troxevasin tablets.

Answer #4

First aid measures:
In the initial stage of the disease, apply a vodka or half-alcohol bandage.
If an abscess forms, apply a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment.

General information:
Panaritium is an acute purulent disease of the fingers, which occurs as a result of infection of small skin wounds (splinter, prick, hangnail, etc.). Distinguish panaritium nail (paronychia), skin, subcutaneous tendon and bone.

A purulent focus develops at the site of the wound.
There is a strong twitching pain in the finger.
The finger swells – its functions are violated.
The skin over the abscess becomes red and hot to the touch.
General malaise and headaches may be felt.

Further actions:
Contact the surgeon of the polyclinic, who will prescribe further treatment.
Do not delay visiting the surgeon, because. complications of panaritium can be sepsis, phlegmon of the hand (inflammation of deep tissues), osteomyelitis, etc.

Vishnevsky’s ointment is warming (you need to keep the bandage for a long time, but now you can use furacelin with streptocyte, you can use a little more furacelin, but it’s better to see a doctor.

Answer #5

I was treated like this: they lifted the cuticle a little – the pus came out, and then they forced me to keep my finger in alcohol for twenty minutes, six times a day.
Then the top layer of the skin came off. well, how, when you reload … and that’s it … you didn’t have to cut

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