Smallpox natural refers to quarantine infections, characterized by general intoxication, fever, pustulopapular rash that leaves scars. The causative agent found in the contents of smallpox refers to viruses, contains DNA, multiplies well in human tissue culture, and is resistant to low temperature and drying. The diseased poses a danger from the first days of the disease until the crusts fall off. The transmission of the pathogen occurs mainly by airborne droplets and airborne dust. Smallpox has now been eradicated worldwide.
Symptoms and course of smallpox. The incubation period of smallpox lasts 10-12 days, less often 7-8 days. The onset of the disease is acute: chills or chilling with a rapid increase in body temperature to 39-40C and above. Redness of the face, conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. From the 4th day of the disease, simultaneously with a decrease in body temperature and some improvement in the patient, a true rash appears on the face, then on the trunk and limbs. It has the character of pale pink spots that turn into dark red papules. Bubbles are found in the center of the papules after 2-3 days. At the same time or earlier, a rash appears on the mucous membranes, where the vesicles quickly turn into erosions and ulcers, resulting in pain and difficulty in chewing, swallowing, and urinating. From the 7-8th day of the disease, the patient’s condition worsens even more, the body temperature reaches 39-40C, the rash suppurates, the contents of the vesicles first become cloudy, and then become purulent. Sometimes individual pustules merge, causing painful swelling of the skin. Severe condition, confused consciousness, delirium. Tachycardia, arterial hypotension, shortness of breath, fetid odor from the mouth. The liver and spleen are enlarged. A variety of secondary complications may appear. By 10-14 days, the pustules dry out, and yellowish-brown crusts form in their place. Soreness and swelling of the skin decrease, but the itching of the skin increases and becomes painful. From the end of 3 weeks, the crusts fall off, leaving whitish scars for life. fetid odor from the mouth. The liver and spleen are enlarged. A variety of secondary complications may appear. By 10-14 days, the pustules dry out, and yellowish-brown crusts form in their place. Soreness and swelling of the skin decrease, but the itching of the skin increases and becomes painful. From the end of 3 weeks, the crusts fall off, leaving whitish scars for life. fetid odor from the mouth. The liver and spleen are enlarged. A variety of secondary complications may appear. By 10-14 days, the pustules dry out, and yellowish-brown crusts form in their place. Soreness and swelling of the skin decrease, but the itching of the skin increases and becomes painful. From the end of 3 weeks, the crusts fall off, leaving whitish scars for life.
Complications of smallpox : specific encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, iritis, keratitis, panophthalmitis and nonspecific pneumonia, phlegmon, abscesses, etc. With the use of antibiotics, secondary complications began to occur much less frequently.
Smallpox recognition . For emergency diagnosis, the contents of smallpox are examined for the presence of the virus using RNGA, which uses sheep erythrocytes sensitized with anti-smallpox antibodies. With positive results, an integral step is the isolation of the pathogen in chicken embryos or in cell culture with subsequent identification of the virus. The final answer can be received in 5-7 days.
Smallpox treatment . The therapeutic efficacy of anti-small gammaglobulin (3-6 ml intramuscularly) and metisazon (0.6 g 2 times every day for 4-6 days) is low. Antibiotics (oxalin, methicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline) are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of secondary purulent infection. Bed mode. Oral care (washing with 1% sodium bicarbonate solution, 0.1-0.2 ganestezin before meals). A 15-20% solution of sodium sulfacyl is instilled into the eyes. The elements of the rash are lubricated with a 5-10% solution of potassium permanganate. With moderate forms, mortality reaches 5-10%, with confluent – within 50%.
Smallpox prevention . The basis is smallpox. Currently, due to the eradication of smallpox, smallpox vaccination is not carried out.