Oleogranuloma is an inflammatory tumor (inflammatory changes) that occurs in response to a foreign body entering the tissues. Initially, oleogranuloma was called inflammatory changes in the penis after the introduction of petroleum jelly into it (it is not often used to increase the penis, but never leads to it). At present, the concept is broader.
Why does an oleogranuloma occur?
Foreign bodies (Vaseline, synthetic threads, silicone, etc.) can cause an inflammatory reaction within themselves, which is limited. Oleogranuloma of the mammary gland most often occurs after operations (sectoral resection, organ-preserving operations, not often after mastectomy) as a result of tissue reaction to suture material.
No. Oleogranuloma does not degenerate into cancer.
Examination, ultrasound, mammography, cytological or histological examination.
Removal of the tumor. Conservative treatment of oleogranulomas is not amenable.
Articles from the forum on the topic ” Oleogranuloma “
What is an oleogranuloma of the penis?
Answer #1
Oleogranuloma of the penis (lat. oleum – vegetable oil + granulum – seed + .oma), non-specific chronic inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin of the penis that occurs at the injection site of oily solutions (vaseline oil, glycerin, camphor, etc.). The introduction of oily solutions under the skin of the penis is sometimes deliberately practiced by males in connection with false ideas about the possibility of improving male sexual function by increasing the volume of the penis.
The resulting infiltrates lead to deformation of the penis, impaired lymph and blood circulation, which leads to the occurrence of complications (elephantiasis, formation of non-healing ulcers, cicatricial curvature of the penis). The oleogranulomatous process can spread to other parts of the penis, scrotum, urethra (urethra), and also be complicated by paraphimosis, malignant degeneration, and sexual dysfunction. Treatment consists in surgical excision of oleogranulomatous infiltrates, which helps to prevent complications.
Answer #2
Is that why you’re so sour? In my opinion, your ogranuloma will not bring you anything good. AK is 100% right. You brat, why are you self-mutilating? Don’t need it – give it to me!!!
Answer #3
Oleogranuloma is a benign neoplasm of the penis that develops after the introduction of foreign bodies under the skin of the penis: various gels, petroleum jelly, plastic or metal balls and other foreign bodies.
The most common way to thicken the penis was to inject petroleum jelly under the skin of the penis.
However, after the introduction of Vaseline, severe complications occurred in the form of oleogranuloma and cicatricial deformity of the penis. This happened due to the fact that vaseline caused a pronounced inflammatory-allergic reaction, which inevitably led to penis deformity, and in some cases to impotence.
The oleogranulomatous process can spread to other parts of the penis, scrotum, urethra, and also be complicated by paraphimosis (infringement of the head), malignant degeneration. Mention should also be made of purulent-inflammatory complications of such a procedure, because often the introduction of foreign substances is carried out in unsanitary conditions. As a result, surgical treatment really becomes the only salvation.
In some cases, petroleum jelly does not cause an allergic reaction for a long time, while the penis looks thickened and erectile function does not suffer. Nevertheless, this is a visible well-being: sooner or later, an inflammatory process occurs, entailing dire consequences, up to the need to amputate the deformed penis.
The period of time from the moment of injection to the first visit to the doctor varies greatly and ranges from two weeks to seven years, depending on the time of occurrence of complaints. The main complaints when applying for pain in the area of oleogranuloma, aggravated by erection, immobility of the skin of the penis, lymphatic edema, reduction in size and deformation of the penis, erectile dysfunction, inflammatory changes in the area of oleogranuloma.
As a rule, it does not present difficulties. Careful examination and palpation reveal dense nodular granulomas at the injection site of foreign substances, cicatricial deformity. In some cases, to clarify the nature of the lesion, namely, the involvement of the cavernous tissue of the penis in the pathological process and / or the interest of the vessels, additional diagnostic methods may be required, such as ultrasound of the penis, dopplerography and doppleroscopy.