Neurohumoral sexual disorders

Neurohumoral sexual disorders – are caused by damage to the diencephalic department (subthalamic neurohumoral center) or individual endocrine glands (pituitary gland, gonads, adrenal glands, etc.); however, in most cases they are of a pluriglandular nature (syndromes of delay or disharmony of the pubertal period, age-related decline in sexual functions, etc.).

The reasons

These are mainly hereditary genetic anomalies, tumors, inflammatory processes, and circulatory disorders.


Men and women get sick equally often, mainly at the age of 20-40 years. Patients complain of weakness, headache, joint pain, numbness of the extremities, sleep disturbance, excessive sweating, women complain of menstrual and reproductive dysfunction, lactorrhea, men – a decrease in libido and potency.


Diagnosis is based on a combination of sexual disorders with specific symptoms of damage to certain parts of the interstitial brain and endocrine glands, established by examination, anthropometry and laboratory data (spermogram, the concentration of androgens, estrogens and gonadotropic hormones in the blood plasma, the level of fructose in the ejaculate, vaginal smears, sex chromatin in buccal scraping, also a karyotype in peripheral blood leukocytes).


Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the topic and the nature of the lesion of the main focus. In the treatment of primary sexological pluriglandular syndromes, an important role is played by an increase in the general reactivity of the body, achieved by the use of so-called adaptogenic agents (ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine, Manchurian aralia, saparal, zamaniha, golden root, safflower-like lavzeya, pantocrine, apilac).