Neuritis cochlear (neuritis of the auditory nerve)

Cochlear neuritis (acoustic neuritis) is a disease of an auditory tester, manifested by sensorineural (perceptual) hearing loss and subjective noise in one or both ears.

The reasons

The reasons are varied. The most important of them are common infectious diseases (influenza, infectious parotitis, epidemic cerebral meningitis, typhus, measles, scarlet fever, syphilis, etc.), atherosclerosis, metabolic and blood diseases, drug intoxication (ototoxic antibiotics – streptomycin, neomycin, monomycin, kanamycin , tobramycin, amikacin, etc.; quinine, salicylates, cytostatics – endoxan, cisplatin, etc.; “loop” diuretics – lasix, furosemide, etc.), nicotine, alcohol; circulatory disorders in the basin of the internal carotid artery (cervical osteochondrosis, hypertension and hypotension); exposure to industrial toxic substances (arsenic, lead, mercury, phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide, etc.); noise and vibration injuries, stressful situations.


A disease characterized by hearing loss (impaired sound perception) and a sensation of noise in one or both ears.


Diagnosis is based on an audiological examination. Differential diagnosis is carried out with a mixed and cochlear form of otosclerosis.


Urgent hospitalization is indicated when signs of the disease appear. Treatment should be focused on the underlying disease.

In acute intoxication of the auditory nerve, diaphoretics (pilocarpine), diuretics and laxatives are prescribed. In addition, to improve hearing and reduce tinnitus, vascular agents are prescribed [vacinton, pentoxifylline (trental), stugeron, cinnarizine, etc.], neurotropic agents (cerebrolysin, piracetam, xanthinol nicotinate, etc.), B vitamins, ATP, aloe, cocarboxylase, nicotinic acid.

Carry out activities for detoxification, dehydration and hyposensitization (hemodez, reopoliglyukin, 5% glucose solution; diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, etc.). HBO and acupuncture are also used in combination with other types of treatment, which often have a positive effect in the treatment of acute cochlear neuritis.

With the so-called chronic cochlear neuritis, treatment is ineffective. With a pronounced decrease in hearing, they resort to hearing aids. With complete deafness caused by damage to the hair cells of the spiral organ, “cochlear implantation” (electrode hearing aids) is indicated.