
Neuralgia is a sharp, aching, burning or dull pain along the course of a nerve that occurs paroxysmal. The cause of neuralgia can be diseases of the nerve itself, nerve plexuses, diseases of the spine, or pathological processes that develop in the tissues and organs lying near the nerve, as a result of injuries, infections (flu, etc.), sudden hypothermia, etc. The most common neuralgia trigeminal, occipital and intercostal nerves.

Trigeminal neuralgia can manifest itself as a complication of certain diseases or as an independent disease. Sometimes it occurs due to difficult teething, hypothermia or infection, as well as a complication of pulpitis and periodontitis. The trigeminal nerve sends three branches to the clip: the first to the skin of the forehead, the second to the cheek, nasal mucosa and teeth of the upper jaw, and 30% to the lower jaw and its teeth. Usually, neuralgia captures the area of ​​​​one or two, less often all three branches of the trigeminal nerve. The attack begins suddenly and lasts from several minutes to several hours. The intensity of the pain varies, but in all cases the attacks are extremely painful.

They can be provoked by the slightest irritation of the skin, cooling, opening the mouth, chewing, coughing, etc.

With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, pains spread from the neck to the back of the head, their paroxysmal nature is not as pronounced as with trigeminal neuralgia. The appearance of pain is traditionally associated with the movement of the neck. In the bulk of cases, the cause of this neuralgia is diseases of the cervical spine or injuries of the occipital region, sometimes hypothermia.

With intercostal neuralgia , shooting and burning pains appear along the intercostal spaces. The cause of this neuralgia is often diseases of the spine, and the provoking factor is hypothermia. It should be remembered that true intercostal neuralgia is quite rare, and similar manifestations can be in some diseases of the heart, lungs, pleura. Often the pain characteristic of intercostal neuralgia is the first sign of herpes zoster. If you experience pain along the intercostal space, you will need to see a doctor. Due to the fact that among the various causes that cause neuralgia, there may be inflammatory processes, tumors, the use of home remedies to alleviate the condition is categorically contraindicated.

In all cases of neuralgia, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it is complex (medication, physiotherapy, etc.). In some cases, with trigeminal neuralgia, surgical methods of treatment are prescribed.