
Nasopharyngitis can manifest itself as a sharp difficulty in breathing and copious mucous discharge, as well as mild nasal congestion, perspiration and mucous discharge on the back of the throat. “Spear-shaped” plaque, hanging from the nasopharynx, is traditionally combined with massive overlays on the tonsils, loose-curdled consistency of white-yellow color. All patients have hepato-lienal syndrome (damage to the liver and spleen). Not often the disease can occur with jaundice. All kinds of rashes on the skin are possible: the rash is different and is saved for several days. In some cases, conjunctivitis and lesions of the mucous membranes may prevail over the rest of the symptoms.

Recognition of nasopharyngitis . It is possible only with a comprehensive accounting of clinical and laboratory data. Usually, an increase in lymphocytes (not less than 15% compared to the age norm) and the appearance of “atypical” mononuclear cells in the blood are noted in the blood formula. Conduct serological studies to identify heterophile antibodies to erythrocytes of various animals.

Treatment of nasopharyngitis . There is no specific therapy, therefore, symptomatic therapy is used in practice. During fever – antipyretics and plenty of fluids. With difficulty in nasal breathing – vasoconstrictor products (ephedrine, galazolin, etc.). Apply desensitizing products. It is recommended to gargle with warm solutions of furacilin, sodium bicarbonate. Nutrition of the sick with a successful course does not require special restrictions. Prevention has not been developed.