Male infertility is characterized by the inability of a mature male body to fertilize.
According to statistics, the share of the male factor in the structure of infertile marriages is from 30% to 60%. Distinguish between absolute infertility (the improbability of fertilization; occurs with testicular aplasia, azoospermia, akinospermia, aspermia, necrospermia) and relative (conception is likely after the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease). Male sterility is due to the pathology of the genital organs of various origins and impaired patency of the vas deferens. Male infertility can be the result of underdevelopment of the testicles, as well as their absence in the scrotum when they are in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal (cryptorchidism), which always leads to atrophic processes in the testicles and to impaired spermatogenesis.
Underdevelopment of one testicle is not functionally manifested, with bilateral underdevelopment or absence (anarchism), a change is observed that is characteristic of eunuchoidism.
The cause of male infertility can be primary congenital or acquired hypogonadism, which is not often caused by all sorts of adverse external factors that negatively affect spermatogenesis: infectious and inflammatory diseases, chronic intoxication (alcohol, nicotine, drugs); malnutrition, especially with complete or partial starvation; ionizing radiation, work at high temperatures, inflammation and trauma of the testicles, etc. The occurrence of a secondary lesion of the testicles (secondary hypogonadism) depends on disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Insufficient formation of gonadotropic hormones during puberty causes the phenomenon of eunuchoidism, and later leads to impaired spermatogenesis. Male infertility can be caused by aspermatism, if there is an organic or functional lesion of the central or peripheral nervous system. The most common cause of male infertility is inflammatory diseases of the prostate and testicles, in which oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, and teratozoospermia appear.
It is aimed at restoring spermatogenesis, patency of the vas deferens, correction of sexual intercourse disorders. Apply anti-inflammatory and hormonal agents, restorative therapy. With obstruction of the vas deferens and varicocele, surgery is indicated.
Prevention of infertility consists in the timely detection and treatment of malformations of the reproductive system, as well as inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of venereal and non-venereal genesis, the prevention of abortions in women, the observance of sexual hygiene, the elimination of harmful effects on the body at home and at work, in a healthy lifestyle. If infertility is suspected, a man should be examined by a urologist, and in the case of a fruitless marriage, the spouses should contact the antenatal clinic, the “Marriage and Family” consultation.