
Myositis   is a lesion of muscle fibers, often chronic and leading to the formation of hard nodules within the muscle. Especially often, myositis affects the broad muscles of the back, neck and shoulders, and sometimes the buttocks.

Varieties of myositis

Cervical myositis , almost every person suffers from it. With this disease, there is a dull muscle pain in the neck. She “gives” in the back of the head, shoulder girdle and between the shoulder blades. Sometimes a dull ache can be felt in the ears, temples, or forehead. The mobility of the cervical vertebrae with all this disease traditionally remains normal, but may be limited due to pain when stretching certain muscle groups or tendons.

Acute purulent myositis occurs more often as a complication of purulent processes (for example, osteomyelitis) or septicopyemia. It is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, anaerobic microorganisms. Limited or widespread necrosis, abscesses, and phlegmon appear in the muscles. The clinical picture is characterized by severe local pain, aggravated by movement or palpation of the muscles.

Infectious non-purulent myositis develops in acute and chronic infectious diseases (typhoid, brucellosis, syphilis), as well as in viral infections – influenza, enterovirus diseases. The main manifestations (pain, muscle weakness) are much less pronounced than in acute purulent myositis.

Myositis in autoimmune diseases is an almost indispensable component of the clinical picture.

Myositis in parasitic infections (trichinosis (Trichinellosis), Cysticercosis, Echinococcosis, Toxoplasmosis) is due to the development of reactive toxic-allergic changes in the muscles in response to the introduction of various parasites.

A special form is myositis ossificans , in which muscle weakness and progressive muscle atrophy are combined with the deposition of calcium compounds in the connective tissue.

The main symptoms of myositis

The main symptom of myositis is local muscle pain. It increases with pressure on the muscles or during movement, which causes tension in the affected muscles and limits the mobility of the joints. Sometimes swelling or redness of the skin may appear on the sore spot. Soreness in the affected muscles with myositis increases not only when moving, but also at rest, at night, when the weather changes.

One of the main manifestations of myositis is increasing muscle weakness: it becomes difficult for the patient to get up from a chair, climb stairs, wash, dress, comb.

In addition, myositis can progress, involving new muscles in the process. This is especially dangerous with cervical myositis, since inflammation can affect the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. Because of this, it is difficult to swallow food, a cough appears. If the respiratory muscles are involved in the process, shortness of breath occurs. Gradually, the muscles can even atrophy.

Treatment of myositis

In the treatment of myositis, a set of procedures prescribed by a doctor in accordance with a specific case is necessary.

With myositis, dry heat is useful, for example, tying with a woolen scarf. Effective physiotherapy.

The most effective treatment for myositis is massage of the affected muscle. But only a professional massage therapist can penetrate deep into a dense muscle. At home, stroking and rubbing the muscles with diluted water and heated essential oil of eucalyptus, lavender or marjoram will help.

Prevention of myositis

To prevent the disease, it is necessary: ​​eat a variety of healthy foods, lead a mobile lifestyle, avoid exorbitant loads and injuries.