
Abscess – purulent inflammation of the tissue with the formation of a limited focus of decay. The causative agent of a soft tissue abscess is often staphylo- and streptococcus, with abscesses of other localizations, the nature of the flora depends on the cause of its occurrence (for example, with an appendicular abscess, the causative agent is traditionally Escherichia coli) in combination with non-clostridial anaerobic flora and cocci. With an abscess, there is a clear delimitation of the focus of inflammation from the surrounding tissues.

A feature of the abscess is the presence of a pyogenic membrane – the inner wall of the purulent cavity, created by the tissues surrounding the focus of inflammation (a manifestation of a normal protective reaction of the body). The pyogenic membrane is lined with granulation tissue, it delimits the purulent-necrotic process and produces exudate.</p>

Depending on the localization, superficial (in the subcutaneous base) and deep (in organs, tissues and cavities) abscesses are distinguished. Superficial abscesses are characterized by the classic symptoms of acute inflammation: flushing of the skin, swelling, local tenderness, local increase in body temperature and impaired function. In tuberculous spondylitis, pus does not often spread through interstitial fissures far from the site of initial occurrence (for example, to the medial surface of the thigh), forming a swell abscess (swelling).</ p>

Symptoms and course

In the early periods, this is granulation tissue; in the subsequent course, a connective tissue membrane appears within the granulation tissue. The presence of a pyogenic membrane sharply impairs the penetration of antibiotics from the bloodstream into the abscess cavity, however, intoxication of the body due to the absorption of toxic products from the site of decay is saved. In case of violation of the pyogenic membrane (a sharp increase in pressure in the abscess cavity) or a decrease in general and local immune mechanisms, the infection spreads from the abscess, accompanied by sepsis and purulent streaks.

Abscess treatment

Treatment is only surgical, the type of intervention depends on the size and location of the abscess. An indispensable factor in the successful fight against various abscesses is their early diagnosis and treatment. This is possible only with a timely appeal to a qualified specialist working in a multidisciplinary clinic with a modern diagnostic laboratory.

The diagnosis of an abscess is an indication for surgical intervention, the purpose of which (regardless of the localization of the process) is to open the purulent cavity, empty it and drain it. Treatment of small superficial abscesses of the subcutaneous tissue is carried out on an outpatient basis.

If an abscess of the internal organs is suspected, patients are subject to urgent hospitalization in the surgical department. In some abscesses, for example, the liver, lung, sometimes a puncture is performed with aspiration of pus and subsequent administration of antibiotics and enzyme products into the abscess cavity. Resection of an organ (for example, a lung) together with an abscess as a radical method of flow is used only for chronic abscesses. With formed brain abscesses with a well-defined capsule, it is likely that the abscess will be removed along with its capsule.

Treatment after the opening of the abscess is the same as the treatment of purulent wounds. Patients are provided with a complete balanced diet, they may be shown a transfusion of blood products, blood substitutes. Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora to them. Use means of specific therapy – staphylococcal toxoid, specific gamma globulin. With abscesses that have developed against the background of diabetes mellitus, correction of impaired metabolism is necessary.

The prognosis for timely treatment of superficially located abscesses that are easily accessible for surgical intervention is generally favorable. With a late operation, inadequate drainage of the abscess, the process may become chronic and the infection may become generalized.

Treatment of an abscess with folk recipes

  • 1-2 tablespoons of crushed fruits of Japanese Sophora pour 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Use the tincture as a lotion for abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Mix 2 parts of baked onion with 1 part of grated soap. Apply the patch with the resulting mixture to the sore spot 5 times a day. This tool helps the rapid maturation of the abscess and cleansing it.
  • Pound fresh leaves of plantain into a pulp and apply it to the area of ​​​​the abscess. You can apply a patch by adding salt, lard and bread crumb to the gruel.
  • Bean (or pea) flour is used in the form of poultices to soften and dissolve abscesses. Make a slurry out of flour or prepare a thick dough and apply to a sore spot. Accelerates the maturation of abscesses, boils, carbuncles, panaritium.
  • Pour 20 g of dried red clover inflorescences with a glass of hot water, boil, strain. The decoction is used as a poultice for abscesses.
  • Melt 100 g of petroleum jelly or unsalted animal fat or vegetable oil in an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, cool to 50-60 ° C. Add 10 g of crushed and purified from impurities (wax) propolis. Heat the mixture with continuous stirring for 8–10 minutes to 70–80 °C. Strain hot through cheesecloth. The resulting propolis ointment is used to treat abscesses and wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  • 1/2 cup of dried leaves and flowers of St. John’s wort, crushed into powder, insist in 1 cup of sunflower or almond oil for 3 weeks. Lubricate abscesses with the resulting oil.
  • Grind fresh horse sorrel leaves and apply the resulting slurry to abscesses and wounds as a wound healing agent.
  • In case of lung abscesses and other purulent diseases of the bronchi and lungs, inhale phytoncides of onion or garlic by inhalation. For this, the sick person is covered with a blanket over his head and inhaled over a plate with freshly prepared gruel of onion or garlic. Duration of inhalation is 10 minutes. The course of treatment is 30–40 days. After a monthly break, it is repeated and the inhalation session is adjusted to 30 minutes.
  • Pour 30 g of eucalyptus spherical leaves with 1 cup of hot water, boil, cool, strain. For washing, 1-2 cups of decoction per 1 liter of water is enough. Use as an antiseptic, disinfectant.
  • Scald the leaves and flowers of sweet clover with boiling water and use as a compress or lotion as a resolving agent in the treatment of unripe abscesses.
  • Among the Caucasian peoples, a compress from tincture of nettle leaves was considered the best remedy for abscesses from time immemorial. Fill a half-liter bottle almost to the top with fresh nettle leaves, then add alcohol, close with a cork and leave in the sun for 2 weeks.
  • Make lotions from freshly grated carrots or fresh carrot juice.
  • Apply gruel from fresh onion to accelerate the maturation of abscesses.
  • Cut off the lower, largest, leaf of aloe tree (agave), rinse it with boiled water, cut it lengthwise or crush it. Put on an abscess and bandage, change every day.
  • Fill a half-liter bottle with birch buds, fill the gaps with vodka and insist for 3 days. The tincture is diluted with water and lotions are made on difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers.
  • To quickly ripen an abscess, bake an onion head, cut it in half and apply hot with the cut side to the abscess that forms, bandage it. Change onions every 4-5 hours.