Mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis)

Urogenital mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis is an infectious disease of the genitourinary organs caused by microorganisms belonging to the Mycoplasmaceae family.

These microbes were discovered back in the 40-50s of the twentieth century, but only in the last 30 years the diseases that they are capable of causing were separated into a separate group. To date, within 100 species of mycoplasmas are known. Man is the host of about 14 species. Some of them are the most infectious.

All of them can affect, unlike other sexually transmitted infections, any tissues and organs, including spermatozoa, which leads to a decrease in their number or loss of mobility.

Many of mycoplasmas are a kind of catalysts that accelerate the course of such diseases as HIV infection, tumor processes, arthritis… One of the most unique properties of all mycoplasmas is their ability to disguise themselves as host (human) cells, which does not always allow the immune system to recognize the presence of a parasite in the body. This explains the predominantly asymptomatic (in 90-95% of cases) course of the infection, or with poor clinical manifestations.

The incubation (hidden) period lasts approximately 2-4 weeks. The course of these diseases does not have characteristic signs, and therefore the diagnosis of the origin of the inflammatory process is based solely on laboratory research methods.

If the disease does not immediately take on an asymptomatic form, then frequent uncomfortable urination, scant discharge from the vagina or urethra, itching and discomfort in the vulva may disturb. With the progression of the disease, the prostate and testicles in men, the appendages (ovaries, fallopian tubes) in women are involved in the process.

Given the difficult recognition of the disease, the diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasmosis will need to be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor in a specialized medical center. In no case do not self-medicate or treat according to the schemes of your friends! Often, sexual infections are combined with each other, so self-treatment leads only to temporary results, which can threaten the transition to a chronic form, which complicates and lengthens the course of treatment.

Is it possible to prevent mycoplasmosis? Yes. This is the mandatory use of condoms when changing a sexual partner in combination with the use of disinfectants ( Miramistin , “Intim Spray” and others). After changing the sexual partner, if contraceptives were not used, even in the absence of manifestations, it will be necessary to undergo an examination after 3 weeks. In preparation for pregnancy, and even more so if a woman is already pregnant, a couple must be examined for mycoplasmosis.