
Mycosis is a large group of skin diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

Despite the fact that all fungal microorganisms that cause some form of mycosis are parasitic, not all of them are equally dangerous to humans. Some of them, constantly inhabiting the mucous membranes and skin, are still considered conditionally pathogenic.

The greatest danger is represented by the types of microorganisms that cause easily transmitted forms with a widespread inflammatory process.

The reasons

Infection can occur through direct contact with a sick person.


Depending on the type of pathogen, various clinical manifestations of the disease are also likely:

  • peeling of the skin of varying intensity
  • diaper rash
  • itching, painful sensation on inflamed areas of the skin
  • bubble formation
  • deterioration in the condition of nails (stratification, yellowing, brittleness, etc.), etc.


The diagnosis is established after a laboratory test.


At the first sign of mycosis, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is carried out both inpatient and laboratory. An effective result is obtained by a combined method of treatment, including the use of general antifungal products in combination with topical antifungal agents and appropriate therapy.

Patients are also prescribed physiotherapy, limb massage, ultrasound. After the cessation of the clinical manifestations of mycosis, the stratum corneum of the epidermis on the soles is detached and the affected nail plates are removed.