Mastitis is an inflammatory disease of the breast tissue. Most often, acute lactational mastitis occurs against the background of lactation – breastfeeding. There are also non-lactational (outside breastfeeding) mastitis. Non-lactational mastitis is most often observed in newborn girls. It is not often that such mastitis is associated with previous hyperplasia (enlargement) of the mammary glands and subsequent infection. Some researchers single out chronic mastitis.
The main cause of mastitis is infection (staphylococci and streptococci). These microorganisms live on the skin. Cracks that occur on the nipples are some kind of entrance gate through which the infection enters the breast tissue.
But not only nipple cracks are predetermining factors for the development of mastitis.
The causes of mastitis are also lactostasis (milk retention that occurs with a significant formation of milk, a violation of the outflow of milk) and a weakened immune system.
There are the following forms of acute mastitis:
- serous (characterized by a deterioration in general well-being, a rise in temperature, milk retention in the mammary gland);
- infiltrative (characterized by the appearance of an infiltrate in the mammary gland, which in the future can be transformed into an abscess, the skin over the infiltrate acquires a reddish tint);
- purulent (characterized by the appearance of purulent inflammation);
- abscessing (an abscess occurs – a limited purulent focus);
- phlegmonous (purulent inflammation spreads through the breast tissue);
- gangrenous (massive necrosis is formed in the mammary gland).
If signs of mastitis appear, you should immediately contact a mammologist. The doctor finds out the patient’s complaints, examines the mammary glands, and does an ultrasound. Treatment for mastitis is prescribed only by a doctor.