
Masochism (algomania, algophilia, passivism, suffering) is a sexual perversion in which, in order to achieve sexual arousal and satisfaction, one will need to experience physical pain or moral humiliation caused by a partner.

This perversion was first described by the Austrian writer Sacher-Masoch.

Most experts believe that purely physical pain is not the end in itself of a masochist’s communication with a partner, but rather a desire to obey someone else’s will, to feel the partner’s boundless power, all-powerful and sweet from a feeling of one’s own humility and helplessness. Apparently, the weakness and defenselessness once experienced before inevitable punishment, degrading violence, could leave a strong emotional outburst in the mind, which formed the basis of the emerging structure of the masochist’s sexual feeling, determining both the choice of a partner and the sexual scenario for the future. It is customary to call a woman a passive sexual partner, meaning that the intimacy initiative is more often in men, and some sadistic elements are not alien to his actions. Consequently, female sexuality has a certain masochistic orientation, expressed in the most varied degree and sometimes hidden even from the woman herself. If sexual life does not proceed according to the scenario of the masochist, sexual satisfaction is possible only with erotic fantasies with all this or a change of partner, whose actions are more adequate to the expected ones. With masochism, the degree of sexual dependence on a partner is most pronounced. This dependence can be manifested by the fact that a person makes any sacrifices in order not to lose a sexual partner, who delivers the more sexual pleasure, the more he dominates, that is, humiliates the masochist. sexual satisfaction is possible only with erotic fantasizing with all this or a change of partner, whose actions are more adequate to the expected ones. With masochism, the degree of sexual dependence on a partner is most pronounced. This dependence can be manifested by the fact that a person makes any sacrifices in order not to lose a sexual partner, who delivers the more sexual pleasure, the more he dominates, that is, humiliates the masochist. sexual satisfaction is possible only with erotic fantasizing with all this or a change of partner, whose actions are more adequate to the expected ones. With masochism, the degree of sexual dependence on a partner is most pronounced. This dependence can be manifested by the fact that a person makes any sacrifices in order not to lose a sexual partner, who delivers the more sexual pleasure, the more he dominates, that is, humiliates the masochist.

Of the varieties of the masochist, they distinguishmental masochism , which is expressed in the fact that scenes are played out in a person’s imagination, for example, threats to deprive him of his genitals or humiliating procedures performed in public, etc. Usually, an uncontrollable fantasy ends with a sexual discharge. Atsymbolic masochismthe actions of the individual are difficult to predict and incomprehensible to others. For example, in one case, a married man came to a friend once every two weeks, who was obliged to act out fear, declaring: “Why did you come? Here comes my husband.” After that, she was obliged to push him into the closet and leave him alone in the room for quite a long time. After her return and his release from captivity, he left, very pleased with the result. Nevertheless, the masochist does not at all strive for suffering, as is noted in other people. Painful experiences, suffering and conflicts are just as unpleasant for him as for others. But in certain situations, he seeks to intensify the pain, in order to subsequently experience the pleasure of its absence. The masochist experiences pleasure to a much greater extent not from physical pain, but from self-humiliation and humiliation by a partner. Among masochists there are individuals with features of complete degradation, but most often they are people with normal behavior, who do not differ from other people in everyday life.

Masochism is a deviation from the norm, but this sexual deviation has the right to life if the condition is met that sadomasochism does not harm others, does not cross the threshold of pain and danger to health, does not infringe on individual rights, but is only an element of sexual play. There is an unspoken agreement between the parties that everything should happen on the verge of a certain risk, but this line cannot be crossed.