
A leukoma is a white spot on the cornea of ​​the eye.

The reasons

It occurs as a result of severe inflammatory processes, accompanied by deep damage to the corneal tissue, the formation of ulcers (gonorrhea, trachoma, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), or as a consequence of an eye injury. Less commonly, leukoma is congenital (inflammatory processes transferred in utero).


Leukoma can occupy the entire surface of the cornea or her. Depending on the size and intensity of the clouding, various visual impairments are observed – from a slight decrease to blindness.


Surgical treatment: mainly keratoplasty and keratoprosthetics.


Prevention includes the timely treatment of inflammatory diseases and damage to the cornea, the observance of safety measures at industrial enterprises that prevent injuries and burns to the eyes.

Articles from the forum on the topic ” Leukoma “

leukoma is dangerous, and is it treated

Answer #1

Leukoma, leukoma, cicatricial changes in the cornea of ​​the eye, violating to some extent its transparency and permeability to light rays. It occurs as a result of severe inflammatory processes, accompanied by deep damage to the corneal tissue, the formation of ulcers (gonorrhea, trachoma, tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), or as a consequence of an eye injury. Less commonly, L. is congenital (inflammatory processes transferred in utero). The cornea at L. acquires a characteristic whitish color (hence the name). Visual acuity at L. goes down. Treatment: medicinal (dionin, yellow mercury ointment, etc.) and physiotherapeutic (diathermy, electrophoresis with potassium iodide) absorbable agents, tissue therapy, keratoplasty.