Laryngitis (laryngitis, Greek larynx, laryngos larynx + -itis) is an inflammation of the larynx. There are acute and chronic laryngitis. Most often, it is one of the symptoms of SARS, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough.
The vocal cords with laryngitis lose their ability to vibrate, the person’s voice becomes hoarse or completely lost. Breathing becomes labored and wheezing, and a painful “barking” cough develops. Blockage of the airways can sometimes be very serious, especially in babies in these cases they talk about the so-called false croup. It can also occur as an independent disease – with overstrain of the voice, inhalation of dusty air, irritating vapors and gases, smoking, alcohol abuse. In acute laryngitis, the mucous membrane of the larynx is hyperemic and edematous, thickening and incomplete closure of the vocal cords (vocal folds) are noted. With influenza, hemorrhages are visible in the mucous membrane of the larynx (hemorrhagic laryngitis).
The inflammatory process can cover the entire mucous membrane of the larynx or its individual sections (isolated laryngitis). Patients with laryngitis complain of dryness, sore throat, and sometimes pain when swallowing. Cough, initially dry, later accompanied by expectoration of sputum. The voice becomes hoarse, rough, or disappears. Acute laryngitis can occur with a headache, a slight increase in body temperature. Its duration traditionally does not exceed 7-10 days. The danger is acute laryngitis of the subglottic (subglottic) space, accompanied by stenosis of the larynx. Some chemicals, when inhaled, can also cause inflammation of the lining of the throat.
In young children, small babies, inflammation can proceed so violently that swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the access of air to the larynx (false croup). In these cases, breathing is disturbed: breathing becomes noisy, the child cries, worries. In severe cases, lack of oxygen can cause brain dysfunction, up to coma.
Of course, this condition requires urgent hospitalization in the ENT or pediatric hospital.
Treatment is focused on eliminating the cause that caused laryngitis. The patient is not recommended to talk loudly for 5-7 days, it is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, spicy dishes should be excluded from food.
The patient should take care of his voice, not talk for a while and try to keep the inhaled air warm and moist; traditionally, in this case, steam inhalations are recommended, which will need to be done for 15-20 minutes after 2-3 hours. You should also avoid being in cold air or in a smoky room and go outside during fog.
Assign a warm drink (milk, borjomi), gargling with a decoction of chamomile or sage, warm alkaline inhalations, bandages and warming compresses on the neck, hot foot baths. Antitussives are used, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment (UHF, novocaine electrophoresis on the larynx area). In chronic hypertrophic laryngitis, hyperplastic areas of the mucous membrane are cauterized with a 3-5% solution of silver nitrate or removed surgically. In chronic atrophic laryngitis, alkaline and oil inhalations are used, the larynx is lubricated with Lugol’s solution in glycerin. For better discharge of crusts, proteolytic enzymes (chymopsin, chymotrypsin, etc.) are prescribed in the form of aerosols.
The prognosis for acute laryngitis is favorable; sometimes a transition to chronic laryngitis is possible. The outcome of chronic laryngitis depends on its form. With hypertrophic and atrophic chronic laryngitis, complete recovery does not begin. Prevention is aimed at eliminating the causative factors.
Articles from the forum on the topic ” Laryngitis “
how to treat laryngitis
Answer #1
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords. It is the inflammation and swelling of the vocal cords that causes the voice to become hoarse or may temporarily disappear.
In acute laryngitis, often (but not necessarily) there is a deterioration in the general condition, often the temperature rises. Pain may be felt when swallowing. Sometimes there is difficulty in breathing (which is explained by the narrowing of the glottis due to its spasm and swelling. In acute laryngitis, there is usually a feeling of dryness, itching, scratching in the throat; the cough is dry at first, and later is accompanied by expectoration of sputum; the voice becomes hoarse, rough or completely silent.
acute laryngitis consists primarily in the elimination of the causes that caused the disease (most often the flu or the common cold). For complete rest of the larynx for 5 days, the patient is not recommended to talk, if necessary, speak in a low whisper. This is very important, because overexertion of the vocal cords, laryngitis can become chronic. Also, in case of acute laryngitis, a plentiful warm drink is recommended (warm milk with honey is very useful, which softens and envelops the inflamed ligaments), gargling, warm inhalations, warming compresses on the neck. It is necessary to temporarily exclude spicy seasonings and spices from food (since they irritate the larynx). During the illness and for at least a week after recovery, smoking is prohibited. The doctor may also prescribe medication (anti-inflammatory drugs,
Answer #2
Recently (2 months ago) I myself had been ill with acute laryngitis. At first he was treated himself (I read on the Internet and took a bunch of drugs at the pharmacy on the advice of pharmacists – this is all nonsense, don’t listen to anyone and go to the doctor – you’ll get to him faster, recover faster), I was engaged in self-treatment for 9 days, until I lost my voice completely (I felt well quite disgusting) and so far it has not become very tight. Only then I went to the ENT – this is what he prescribed:
– antibiotic “GLEVO” (levofloxacin) No. 5 (5 days, 1 tablet each)…
– CETRIN (antihistamine) No. 20 (5 days, 1 tablet each)…
– INGALIPT (an inhaler based on eucalyptus, mint and sulphenylamide) 3 times a day, 2 puffs
– FURACILIN – gargle 3 times a day
As a tonic: CALCIUM GLUCONATE 10 injections
The total cost of treatment cost 390 rubles. He did not take a sick leave, although he was given without problems, after 3 days a voice appeared, after 5 days a complete spontaneous recovery. Once again I was convinced that self-treatment of serious diseases is STUPID!!! By the way, the doctor did not forbid talking, it’s just hard to talk or it won’t work, because when you try to speak after a long silence, you start to choke on a dry lump in your mouth. After inhalation with INGALIPTOM, everything softens in the mouth and you can chat as much as you like.
Answer #3
Laryngitis treatment
Treatment of laryngitis is mainly focused on eliminating the causes that caused this disease. The patient is not recommended to talk loudly, it is not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, spicy food should be excluded.
Since laryngitis in most cases is one of several signs of some acute respiratory disease (scarlet fever, influenza, etc.), its treatment must be carried out in a complex manner. In the treatment of the disease, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, which includes taking antibiotics. At high temperatures, antipyretics, detoxification therapy, antihistamines are used.
A patient with laryngitis needs to protect his voice, try not to talk, make sure that the air in the room is warm and humid enough; steam inhalation is recommended. With laryngitis, you should not be in cold air and in a smoky room.
In the treatment of laryngitis, it is recommended to drink warm liquids (milk, borjomi), gargles of the larynx with a decoction of sage or chamomile, warm alkaline inhalations, warming compresses and bandages on the neck, hot foot baths are prescribed. Use antitussives, as well as physiotherapy.
In the treatment of the chronic form of hypertrophic laryngitis, hyperplastic areas are cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate or removed by surgery. In the treatment of the atrophic form, the larynx is treated by Lugol, oil inhalations are made. Also, to cleanse the larynx from crusts, you can use products in the form of aerosols.