Ovarian cystoma is a proliferating epithelial benign tumor.
There are two main types of cystomas – serous and mucinous.
With serous cystomas, malignancy is observed in 10-15%, with mucinous cystomas – in 3-5% of cases.
Symptoms and course
The development of cysts is asymptomatic. Sometimes patients complain of abdominal pain. Menstrual function is not disturbed. At gynecological examination, a tumor-like formation of a tight-elastic consistency is determined posterior to the uterus. Mucinous cystomas are more often unilateral, serous cystomas are bilateral, not often accompanied by ascites.
The diagnosis is based on data from a gynecological examination. The final diagnosis is made during the operation and after the histological examination of the removed product.
Treatment is operative. The volume of the operation depends on the age of the patient and the nature of the tumor. Preventive gynecological examinations are important.