
Caries is a common disease that affects 95% of people. It is based on the destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth: enamel and the dentin under it. The reason has not been fully elucidated. However, irregular dental care is a predisposing factor.

Symptoms and course

Caries occurs gradually: a pigment spot appears on the plane of the enamel of a particular tooth (first white, and then yellow). It soon turns brown. In the future, the enamel is destroyed, and then the dentin. The process traditionally proceeds slowly, in more rare cases – quickly. The emerging cavity first in the enamel, and then in the dentin, progresses in depth and in width. The remains of food in it serve as a breeding ground for bacteria that are abundant in the oral cavity. The decay caused by them exacerbates its unhygienic condition. There is an unpleasant odor. Tooth decay is accompanied by characteristic pain sensations. Quite acute pain occurs during the use of cold, hot, sour, sweet food. It quickly disappears after the elimination of these factors (rinsing the mouth with warm water). Man, unfortunately adapts to the “conditions” of food, excluding temperature and chemical irritants. He has a false belief about complete well-being, he considers going to the doctor unnecessary. At the same time, the destructive process continues, which leads to a significant destruction of the tooth crown and the spread of the process to the dental pulp – pulp. This, in turn, complicates the treatment of the tooth and reduces the likelihood of its preservation. And this is extremely important. Teeth destroyed or removed not only distort the act of chewing, the phonetics of speech, appearance, but also adversely affect the state of the stomach. Due to poorly chewed food, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. can occur. At the same time, the destructive process continues, which leads to a significant destruction of the tooth crown and the spread of the process to the dental pulp – pulp. This, in turn, complicates the treatment of the tooth and reduces the likelihood of its preservation. And this is extremely important. Teeth destroyed or removed not only distort the act of chewing, the phonetics of speech, appearance, but also adversely affect the state of the stomach. Due to poorly chewed food, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. can occur. At the same time, the destructive process continues, which leads to a significant destruction of the tooth crown and the spread of the process to the dental pulp – pulp. This, in turn, complicates the treatment of the tooth and reduces the likelihood of its preservation. And this is extremely important. Teeth destroyed or removed not only distort the act of chewing, the phonetics of speech, appearance, but also adversely affect the state of the stomach. Due to poorly chewed food, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. can occur.


A timely appeal to the dentist will absolutely be necessary when signs of tooth decay appear. Its functional efficiency will be restored: the destroyed tissue of enamel and dentin will be economically removed and the integrity of the crown will be restored with the help of filling material. In some regions of the world, where fluorine salts are less than the norm in drinking water, there is a particularly active damage to the teeth by the carious process in the entire population. In such cases, measures are recommended aimed at the artificial introduction of fluorine salts into the human body by including them in food salt or centralized fluoridation of drinking water.