Candidiasis of the lungs is a lesion of the bronchi and lungs caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, including 80 species, of which about 15 are considered pathogenic to humans. Of greatest importance is Candida albicans, which is widespread in the human environment. In the form of mycelium and yeast, it is often found in healthy people (mucous membranes, digestive tract, sputum).
The reasons
The disease develops in conditions of reduced body resistance caused by other diseases, with long-term treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, corticosteroids, radiation therapy and chemotherapy of neoplasms.
Fever, shortness of breath, tachycardia, chest pain, excruciating cough with scanty mucous sputum, sometimes with blood streaks, bronchospastic syndrome. On radiographs, patchy shadows, more intense areas of darkening, less often pleural effusion are noted.
To make a diagnosis of pulmonary candidiasis, it is not enough to find Candida in sputum, where they can get from the oral cavity. Of great diagnostic value is the detection of fungi in the material obtained by bronchoscopy. Repeated examinations of urine and blood for the content of fungi are advisable. Differential diagnosis is carried out with bronchitis and bronchopneumonia of a different etiology, pulmonary tuberculosis.
The most common antifungal products are nystatin and levorin. Nystatin is prescribed orally in a daily dose for adults with severe form 10,000,000-12,000,000 IU, with moderate and mild – 6,000,000-8,000,000 IU, with candidiasis – 3,000,000-4,000,000 IU in repeated courses of 20- 30 days with 7-14 day breaks; levorin – 1,500,000 IU / day, similar to nystatin. The sodium salt of nystatin and levorin is effective for inhalation in the form of an aerosol (150,000 IU of the product in 5 ml of distilled water). Amphoglucamine can be used in tablets of 400,000-500,000 IU / day (30-40 minutes after eating) in courses of 10-30 days; inhalation may be prescribed. In severe cases or when other antifungal products have failed, amphotericin B may be used.
Restorative and detoxification therapy is shown. In mixed mycoinfection, along with antifungal products, other agents are recommended, including antibiotics, hormones.