blurred vision

Blurred vision is a functional disorder without organic vascular damage.

The reasons

It may be a manifestation of increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), spasm of retinal vessels, clouding in the refractive media of the eye – the lens and vitreous body. Spasm of the central retinal artery or its branches may be the result of hypertension, frequent migraine attacks, eclampsia, Raynaud’s disease, poisoning with certain substances (for example, nicotine), and stressful conditions.


Complaints about intermittent blurred vision, photomorphopsia, the appearance of black dots and “flies” before the eyes. Vision with all this is reduced in the period from several minutes to an hour.


Ophthalmoscopy reveals narrowing of the retinal arteries, one or more branches. In some cases, the fundus is normal. With angiospasms caused by atherosclerotic changes, sclerosis of the retinal arteries is detected in the fundus.


The use of vasodilating products: inside – no-shpa 0.04-0.08 g each, nikospan 1-2 tablets each, Cavinton 0.005-0.01 g each, papaverine 0.04 g each. Intramuscularly – 12% solution of eufillin 2 each ml, 2% papaverine solution, 2 ml. Retrobulbar injections of 0.1% solution of atropine, 0.2 ml. Sedative and dehydrating agents are also prescribed. Treatment by an ophthalmologist with a consultation of a general practitioner and a neuropathologist.