

Eczema is a chronic relapsing disease with acute inflammatory symptoms caused by serous inflammation of the skin and polymorphism of rash elements; occurs at any age.

Clinical picture and classification

    • True (idiopathic) eczema is accompanied by acute inflammatory edematous erythema with a rash of a group of tiny seropapules or vesicles, weeping and crusting.
    • Microbial eczema develops at the site of chronic foci of infection, forming acute inflammatory, sharply limited large scalloped foci.
    • Seborrheic eczema develops in patients with seborrhea in areas of the skin (the so-called seborrheic areas) rich in sebaceous glands (scalp, auricles, etc.), in the form of erythematous-scaly spots with confluent yellowish-brown papules.
    • Occupational eczema occurs predominantly on open areas of the skin as a result of exposure to occupational hazards.
    • Eczema in babies is distinguished by the severity of the exudative component, the abundance of rashes, and the tendency to complication with a secondary infection.

Differential Diagnosis

    • Atonic dermatitis
    • Dermatitis herpeti form Dühring
    • pyoderma
    • Eczematized epidermophytosis.


    • Antihistamine products (zaditen [ketotifen] 1 mg morning and evening, cyprohepatdin)
    • Detoxifying agents (hemodez)
    • Immunomodulators (prodigiosan, taktivin)
    • With varicose symptom complex – pentoxifylline, diprofen, parmidin
    • With persistent severe course – glucocorticoids, glycyram
    • Children are shown lactobacterin, bifikol, colibacterin, antibacterial therapy, vitamins.
    • locally
    • Wet-drying dressings with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent solutions
    • Ointments containing ichthyol, ASD (5%)
    • Glucocorticoids (synaflan, deperzolon)
    • With impetiginization – glucocorticoid ointments with antibiotics (sinalar-N, locacorten-N)
    • In chronic forms – laser therapy, reflex physiotherapy.
    • Rational hyposensitizing diet.

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention. Elimination of harmful professional and domestic influences. Compliance with the hygienic regime, sanitation of foci of focal infection, treatment of mycotic lesions of the feet are important. Rational mode of life and food.

ICD. L20-L30 Dermatitis and eczema