Schistosomiasis urogenital

Schistosomiasis urogenital

Urogenital schistosomiasis is a tropical helminthiasis (trematodosis), occurring with signs of damage to the urinary tract by migrating helminth eggs. Etiology. The causative agent is the trematode Schistosoma haematobium of the family Schistosomatidae. Epidemiology. The natural reservoir is man. Infection occurs by contact with water containing larvae (cercariae) of the parasite. Endemic areas – Africa, the countries of Central and Southeast Asia, the islands of the Indian Ocean,

Clinical picture

    • At the site of penetration of the larvae, a mild urticarial itchy rash develops.
    • Allergic symptoms are characteristic: fever, itchy skin rash, bronchitis with an asthmatic component
    • At 15-20 days, a fever appears with a high constant body temperature (Katayama fever), enlargement of the liver and spleen, lymphadenitis, eosinophilia and acute enteritis with blood in the stool
    • The most characteristic and constant symptom of the late period of the disease is terminal hematuria (excretion of blood in drops at the end of urination). Pain syndrome with all this may be absent. In severe cases, hematuria becomes total.

Research methods

    • Cystoscopy performed during the onset of hematuria: polypous growths of the bladder mucosa, submucosal hemorrhages, erosions, ulcers, schistosomiasis tubercles and sandy spots (accumulations of calcified eggs of the pathogen) are detected
    • Detection of pathogens in the biopsy material of the bladder mucosa
    • X-ray examination: calcification of the organs of the genitourinary system is detected
    • In epidemiological studies, skin tests with schistosomiasis Ag are performed.

Differential Diagnosis

    • Urolithiasis disease
    • Bladder polyps
    • Malignant neoplasms of the urinary tract.


    • Praziquantel 20-25 mg/kg 1-3 times a day
    • Pathogenetic, symptomatic therapy.

Current and forecast. Characterized by a long course with gradual

transition to a chronic form.


    • Secondary bacterial infections
    • hydronephrosis
    • Nephrolithiasis
    • Urosepsis
    • Menstrual irregularities
    • miscarriages.


  • endemic hematuria
  • Urogenital schistosomiasis
  • Egyptian hematuria
  • Bilharciosis ICD. B65.0 Schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma haematobium (urogenital schistosomiasis) Literature. 129:289-295