

Photodermatitis is polyetiological dermatoses induced by solar radiation.

Classification and etiology

    • Phototoxic dermatitis occurs under the influence of the ultraviolet part of solar radiation.

effects on the skin, more often as a result of exposure directly to it of certain substances (the juice of certain plants [hogweed, dill, parsley], drugs [tar and its derivatives, sulfonamides], household chemicals [photoactive dyes – eosin, acridine orange, bergamot oil] )

    • Photoallergic dermatitis develops as a result of the combined action of an allergic and / or toxic photosensitizing substance (phenothiazine derivatives, tetracyclines, sulfanilamide products, oral contraceptives) and solar radiation
    • Polymorphic photodermatitis (polymorphic light-dependent rash) is a chronic recurrent hereditary photodermatitis.

Clinical picture

    • Phototoxic dermatitis traditionally develops soon after sun exposure. Skin hyperpigmentation traditionally occurs after resolution of acute symptoms.
    • Erythema, in severe cases – blisters, blisters
    • Pain
    • Clear boundary between affected and unaffected skin
    • In chronic phototoxic dermatitis – thickening of the epidermis, elastosis, telangiectasia and hyperpigmentation.
    • Photoallergic dermatitis usually develops a day later or later as a result of sun exposure –
    • Erythema, papules, sometimes blisters
    • Itching
    • Areas of affected skin have less clear boundaries, and non-irradiated areas may also be involved in the process.
    • Polymorphic photodermatitis traditionally develops a few hours later as a result of sun exposure and only in the spring-summer period.
    • Burning or itching traditionally precedes skin manifestations
    • Erythematous, urticarial (urticaria), papular, bullous rashes; sometimes the rash resembles erythema multiforme exudative
    • The first rashes are traditionally found on the skin of the forehead, chin, auricles, the rash can spread to non-irradiated areas.
    • Often observed conjunctivitis, cheilitis, worsening of the general condition
    • The rash usually resolves in 2-3 weeks, but recurs after another sun exposure.

Drug therapy

    • Glucocorticoid ointments: beta-methasone, fluorocort, etc.
    • NSAIDs: indomethacin 25 mg 3 times a day, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.
    • Antihistamines for itching
    • Chloroquine 0.2-0.25 g 2 r / day in cycles of 5 days
    • Glucocorticoids by mouth or parenterally in severe cases: for example, prednisolone 0.5–1 mg/kg/day for 3–10 days
    • Nicotinic acid or xanthinol nicotinate, B vitamins.

The prognosis is favorable.


    • Sun exposure must be avoided
    • Sun protection clothing, sunscreen
    • Do not take photosensitizing drugs. ICD. L56 Other acute skin changes caused by ultraviolet radiation