Fastiolopsidosis– helminthiasis (trematodosis), clinical manifestations are due to mechanical damage to tissues and intoxication with parasite metabolites. Etiology. The causative agent is a flat worm trematode (fluke) Fasdolopsis buski. Adults are tongue-shaped, 15-50 mm long and 8.5-20 mm wide, red-orange in color. Eggs 0.13-0.14 × 0.08-0.095 mm, oval with a clearly visible lid. Epidemiology. The helminth parasitizes in the body of various animals; in the form of sporadic cases of invasion of Fasdolopsis buski, they are distributed throughout Southeast Asia (including the Philippines), in India, China; Imported cases have been noted in Russia. The life cycle includes a change of three owners. The final owners are humans, cats, dogs, pigs; infected individuals excrete eggs of the parasite with faeces. To start the development cycle, they must get into a freshwater reservoir, where, after 2-3 weeks, ciliate larvae, miracidia, emerge from them. Miracidia are introduced into mollusks of the genus Planorbis (intermediate hosts), where their complex asexual reproduction occurs with the formation of tailed larvae (cercariae). Swimming in the water, they subsequently attach to aquatic vegetation (additional hosts) and turn into adolescaria (invasive forms). The entire cycle of development of the parasite in water takes 90-95 days; on plants and in moist soil, adolescaria persist for up to 2 years (they quickly die when dried). The definitive hosts become infected by eating aquatic vegetation, especially chilim water nuts (Trapa natans), which people often clean with their teeth, or by drinking water from stagnant bodies of water. Swallowed larvae penetrate the intestines, where they grow into adult parasites, sometimes helminths penetrate the liver and pancreas.
Clinical picture
- Early stage: acute abdominal pain and fetid diarrhea up to 5-6 r / day
- Chronic stage: moderate abdominal pain and intermittent stool disorder or severe intestinal crises, persistent diarrhea without admixture of blood, which leads to cachexia; may occur in an edematous form with ascites or in a dry form with hypothermia,
arterial hypotension, extreme hypoproteinemia and anemia, which can lead to the death of the patient. The research method is the detection of eggs, and sometimes adult parasites in feces. Treatment and prevention – see ICD opisthorchiasis. B66.5 Fasciolopsidosis