Ectopic trabeculae (ET) are tendon formations detected by echocardiography as linear, dense, inactive structures located mainly in the left ventricle (LV) and not connected with the valvular apparatus. The leading syndrome is a systolic murmur of moderate intensity with a chordal tone (ET changes laminar blood flow to turbulent). Options for localization and attachment of the ends of the trabeculae to the walls of the left ventricle
- Transverse LV trabecula – the most arrhythmogenic (may provoke premature ventricular excitation syndrome – Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, shortened PQ interval syndrome)
- Diagonal LV trabecula does not violate the functional characteristics of the heart chambers
- Longitudinal LV trabecula
- Additional right atrial trabeculae are a rare anomaly that contributes to a change in blood flow, which irritates the sinus node and atrial pacemaker formations and leads to arrhythmia.
- ECG – heart rhythm disturbances depending on the ET variant
- Holter monitoring will be needed to diagnose latent arrhythmias
- Echocardiography – clarification of the localization of ET. The differential diagnosis is CHD.
Treatment of concomitant pathology.
The course and prognosis are favorable in the absence of threatening
life of arrhythmias.
Concomitant pathology
- hereditary diseases
connective tissue
- Arrhythmias of the heart.
Synonym. Additional chords
See also Anomalies in the development of the heart small, Arrhythmias of the heartAbbreviations. LV, left ventricle, ET, ectopic trabeculae