Teniosis is a helminthiasis (cestodiasis), which occurs with a toxic-allergic reaction and dyspeptic disorders. Etiology. The causative agent is a tapeworm (cestode) Taenia solium (pork tapeworm, armed tapeworm)
- The length of an adult individual is 1.5–2 m or more. The head of the parasite has 4 suckers and 2 rows of hooks (up to 30). The life cycle takes place with the change of 2 owners – a man and a pig. The helminth lives in the human small intestine for several years. Mature segments and eggs are excreted with feces into the external environment, where they are eaten by pigs (intermediate host). Outwardly, the eggs are indistinguishable from the eggs of the bovine tapeworm. In the intestines of the pig, embryos (oncospheres) emerge from the eggs, penetrate into the vessels and enter the tissues, where after 2-2.5 months bubbles with larvae (Finns or cysticerci) develop in the muscles, resembling the Finns of a bovine tapeworm. Epidemiology. The disease is registered in Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe, Latin America. The final host and source of invasion is man. Intermediate hosts are pigs, not often wild boars, dogs, cats, and also humans, in the intermuscular connective tissue of which cysticerci 7-10 mm long are formed. When eggs are swallowed, a person develops a tissue infection – cysticercosis (a person is an intermediate host). When infected pork is consumed, a person develops taeniasis (a person is the final host).
Clinical picture
- Teniasis is milder than teniarinhoz, often asymptomatic (see Teniarinhoz)
- Soft tissue cysticercosis is often asymptomatic. With subcutaneous parasitization, soft single or multiple nodes are observed (often on the chest and back). After the death of the parasites, they thicken and become painful. The most dangerous cysticercosis of the brain, forming Finns 5-15 mm in diameter (in the cerebral ventricles – up to 30-50 mm), squeezing the brain tissue. Depending on the localization of cysticerci in the brain, headaches, epileptiform seizures, delirium, hallucinations, amental syndrome, and hypertension syndrome are possible.
Research methods
- Detection of eggs and oncospheres in feces. In case of negative results, bowel lavage is used.
- Blood test: eosinophilia
- Biopsy of the affected material (Finns discover)
- Radiography (detect calcifications)
- Cysticercosis of the brain
- radiography; MRI/CT
- CSF: lymphocytosis and eosinophilia; Lange’s test (characteristic curve, resembling a curve in progressive paralysis).
Treatment – see Teniarinhoz. With cysticercosis: surgical treatment (removal of large nodes) in combination with anti-inflammatory and dehydration therapy.
- Early detection of patients and follow-up for 6 months after treatment
- Sanitary examination of pork. ICD
- B68.0 Invasion stimulated by Taenia solium
- B69 Cysticercosis Literature
- 129:240-241
- Teniosis Taenia solium – cysticercosis. Bessonov AS. M.: Kolos, 1996