Teniarinhoz – helminthiasis (cestodiasis), occurring with a toxic-allergic reaction and dyspeptic disorders. Etiology. Pathogens – tapeworms (cestodes) Taeniarhyn-chussaginatus (Taenia saginata, bovine tapeworm, bovine tapeworm, unarmed tapeworm) and Taeniarhynchus confusum
- Adults parasitize in the small intestine. Their length reaches 5-7 m or more. The head (scolex) is equipped with 4 suckers. The body of the worm contains up to 2000 segments (proglottids), each of which contains up to 150,000 eggs. The eggs are rounded, with a thin and transparent shell, each contains an embryo (oncosphere) surrounded by a 2-contour yellowish transversely striated shell. End segments collapse or actively creep out through an anus. The excretion of eggs with faeces leads to massive contamination of places where livestock, pastures and forage are kept.
Epidemiology. The disease is common in Africa (especially in Central), Asian states and the Balkans. In Russia, sporadic cases are recorded everywhere. With contaminated feed, eggs enter the body of cattle, settle in the muscles and turn into larvae (Finns or cysticerci). In the polar regions, cysticerci parasitize the brains of reindeer. A person is more likely to become infected by eating raw or improperly processed Finnish-infected beef (shish kebab, minced meat). In the small intestine, the head turns out of the Finn and attaches to its wall. After 3 months, a mature worm is formed.
Clinical picture
- Dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, intermittent abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, general weakness
- Patients note the creeping out of the segments
- In debilitated patients, neurological symptoms are observed (headache, dizziness, fainting, sleep disturbances, convulsive seizures)
- In the blood, a slight leukopenia, eosinophilia, and sometimes moderate anemia are noted.
Research methods
- Detection in the feces of proglottids and, less commonly, scolex
- Microscopy with adhesive cellophane tape. The tape is pressed with a sticky side to the skin of the perianal region, placed on a glass slide and examined for the presence of eggs released from the destroyed proglottids.
- The drug of choice is Fenasal 2 g (thoroughly crushed in 1/4 cup of warm water) once in the morning on an empty stomach or at night after 3-4 hours after a light dinner. 10-15 minutes before taking the product, give 1-2 g of sodium bicarbonate
- An alternative product is praziquantel 2.5–10 mg/kg orally as a single dose.
- Identification of patients and monitoring them for 6 months after treatment
- Sanitary examination of cattle meat
- Thorough heat treatment of meat. ICD. B68.1 Invasion stimulated by Taenia saginata Literature 129: 239