Syndrome carcinoid

Syndrome carcinoid

Carcinoid syndrome– a symptom complex caused by the release of serotonin and / or other vasoactive substances (for example, prostaglandins) from carcinoid tumors (argentaffin) of the gastrointestinal tract, metastasizing to the liver. Etiology. Vasoactive substances of tumor origin are excreted by the liver, so the syndrome develops in patients with multiple tumor metastases to the liver with the development of liver failure, as well as with primary extraintestinal carcinoid (for example, with bronchial carcinoid). Clinical picture. Transient cyanotic hyperemia of the skin (from several minutes to several days), skin hemangiomas, diarrhea, attacks of bronchospasm, a sharp drop in blood pressure, peripheral edema and ascites, acquired tricuspid and pulmonary stenosis with minimal involvement of the valves of the left half of the heart. Thinking disorders and urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (a breakdown product of serotonin) are also characteristic. Removal of the primary tumor and metastases. Single liver metastases are removed by surgery or palliative treatment is carried out – intra-arterial administration of chemotherapeutic products, ligation or embolization of the hepatic artery (to reduce the blood supply to metastases). also Tumor carcinoid KSD. E34.0 Carcinoid syndrome Removal of the primary tumor and metastases. Single liver metastases are removed by surgery or palliative treatment is carried out – intra-arterial administration of chemotherapeutic products, ligation or embolization of the hepatic artery (to reduce the blood supply to metastases). also Tumor carcinoid KSD. E34.0 Carcinoid syndrome Removal of the primary tumor and metastases. Single liver metastases are removed by surgery or palliative treatment is carried out – intra-arterial administration of chemotherapeutic products, ligation or embolization of the hepatic artery (to reduce the blood supply to metastases). also Tumor carcinoid KSD. E34.0 Carcinoid syndrome

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